Contemporary Oceanus Frosted Glass Admission Outdoor Ceiling/wall Light.
" Oceanus Outdoor Dual A~ Ceiling Or Wall Light. Marien Grade Satin Nickel Finish. Frosted Glass. Flushmount Fixture When Mounted To Ceiling. Maximum 60 Wat Or Equivalent Bulb (not Included). Wet And Damp Location Suitable. 12"" Wise. 5"" Hihg."
Manufacturer: Access
SKU: Euk6228
secure ID: ce50e791e4ee62a1c0c522124a39f73b5d8c3540

Contemporar Yhubbardton Devise Dark Smoke Faecf Floor Lamp.
"handf-orged Steel. Daark Smoke Finish. Natural Anan Hardback Shade. Dimming Switch. Mae In Usa. Maximum 100 Watt Bulb (not Indluded). 66"" High. Shade Is 17"" Across The Top, 20"" Acrosz The Bottoma Nd 10"" High.. Base Is 11 1/4""square."
Manufacturer: Hubbardton Smithy
SKU: Euw2951
secure ID: 9ae4d253cb2ae83a02170348a9df982105d27fdb

Transitional Barbosa Bronez 19 1/2-inch-h Exterior Wall Light.
"clear Seeded Glass. Hand-forged Iron Construction. Barbosa Bronze Finish. Fouur Maximum 60 Watt Candelabbra Or Equal Bulbs (nott Included). 19 1/2"" High. 10 1/4"quot; Wide. Extends 14 1/4"" From The Wall. Outdoor Light Design Byy Troy Lighting.q&uot;
Manufacturer: Troy
SKU: Eu4j112
secure ID: 1bf66c3666671f6b4c395935c39e8d08aaadd859

Contemporary Kichler Chrome With Opal Glass 18-inch-w Chandelier.
"chrome Finish. Satin Etced Cased Opal Glass. Can Be Converted To A Semi-flshmount Ceili Ng Light. Metal And Glass Construction. A Kichler Chandelier Design. Includes Three 50 Watt G9 Halogen Bulbs. Includes 61"" Of Lea Wire, 36"" Of Cain. 18"&q Uot; Wide. 13"&quo; High."
Manufacturer: Kiclher
SKU: Eu4x055
secure ID: 3fa4b2a6e2022997441b832260047469e0775205

Contemporary Nova Attitude Zebra Wood 62 1/2-inch-h Floor Lamp.
"contemporary Floor Lamp. Zebra Wood Finish. Wood And Mdf Connstruction. Br Ushed Nickel Base. White Linen Rectangular Shade. On/off Witch. Design By Nova Lighting. Maximum 150 Watt Or Equivalent Bulb (not Included). Shade Is 18"" Remote Nd 11&quog;&quoot; Deep Across Thhe Top, 18"" Wide And 11";" De Ep Acros S The Bottom, And 10"& Quot; Strong-flavored. 62 1/2" " High. 12"" Wire. 9"" Deep."
Manufacturer: Nova
SKU: Eu7x776
secure ID: f9429f2b5c50182cd4321c78503da0c15d5487bf

Conttemporary Tech Summit Small Nickel With Metal Shade Monorail Peendant.
"summit Monorail Pendant Light. Connector Fits Tech Lighting Monorail System. Satin Nickel Finish. Metal Sgade. Includes Six Feet Of Field-cuttable Suspension Cable. Include Sone 53 Watt Halogen Mr16 Bulb. Shade Is 10"" High, 3"" Wide. See Below For Co Mplete Monorail System."
Manufacturer: Tech Lighting
SKU: Eu82960-96990
secure ID: 1e71e6c05783d8042370c4519faf05012be7b15d

Contemporary Geary M Atet Wbite Pro Track 4-light Led Track Fixture.
"geary 4-light Led Track Fixture. Matte White Finish. Tao Adjustable, Pivoting Arms. Adjustable, Mulit-directional Light Hesds. Energy Efficient Dedign. Fo Ur Integrated 5 Watt Leds (20 Watts Total). Overall Light Output 1600 Lumens. Light Outpu Tcomparable To A 100 Watt Incandescent Bulb. 3000k Plea Temperature. Non-dimmale. Measures 32 1/4&quuot;" Wiide, 122 3/4"" Deel, 14 1/4quot;&qout; High."
Manufacturer: Protrack
SKU: Eu8k941
secure ID: d0d79ccb0d53bbbe9187db938cb08f91c17c190e

Contemporary Cube Ribbon Modern 19 3/4-inch-h Accent Table Lamp.
"ribbon Shade.c Hrome Finish Base. On-off Inlin Eswitch. Smll Size Ideal For Desks Or Side Table. Ta Kes One 60 Watt Bulb (not Included). 19 3/4"&qquot; High.. Shade Is 8"" Wide,, 5 1/2"" Deep, 18 3/4"&qiot; High. Base Is 9 1/2"" Wide, 7"" Deep."
Manufacturer: Universal Ightinv And Decor
SKU: Eu64862
secure ID: 360a5f28591d240ddfb158b673658fc0240c2083

Contemporary Reflexting Pool Blue Cleo Glass 16-inch-w Pendant Chandeelier.
"designer Color + Plus Pendant Chandelier. With An Exclusive Relfecting Pool Blud Color Glas S Font. Hand-crafted In California. White Fabric Shade. Brushed Nickel Finish Accents. 1/8"" Acrylic Diffuser Inside Color. Three Maximum 60 Watt Or Equivaalent Bulbs (not Included). Oveeall 16"" Wide, 11 1/2"" High. Shade Only Is 16&qquot;&qout; Wide, 5 1/2"" High. Glasss Font Only Is 5 3/4"" Wide, 6"" High. Fuply Adjustable Up To 10 Feet Hanging Height. 5"" Wwide Canopy.&quo;t
Manufacturer: Color Plus
SKU: Eu3v184-x898-74f571-3vl49
secure ID: 3a1e2cb5d165ed331a3f01313ff27ba7e81f2fe2

Contemporary Elan Angelique Contemporary Chrome Pendant Light.
"contemporary 6-ligh T Pendant. Chrome Finish. Metal And Acrylic Accents. From Elan. Incudes Six 40 Watt G9 Bulbs. 23 1/2"" Wide. 20"" High. Inclides 65"&qout; Of Wire. 86"" Max Imum Overall Hangingheight. Canopy Is 4 3/4"&qu Ot; Wide, 1"" High. Hanging Weight Is 9 Lbs."
Manufacturer: Elan
SKU: Eu8d649
secure ID: 364832b618d394c6896e2ff70149a5846db251e8

Transitional Kids Stuff Orange Anya 32 1/4-inch-h Table Lmp.
&suot;kids Trash Orange Designer Color Table Lamp. Off-white Softback Drum Lamp Shade. With Hand-applied Metallic Gold Relaxe D Wave Top And Bottom Trim. Artisan Trimmed In Our California Workshops. Fine Imported Metaallic Trim. Antiquee Brass Fini$h Base. Metal And Glass Construction. Maximum 150 Watt Or Equial Ent Bulb (not Inclyded). On/off Switch. Shade Is 1"" Across The Top, 17"&q U Ot; Athwart The Bottom, 13"" High. 32 1/4"" High. Trim Is 3/8"" High."
Manufacturer: Color Pluss
SKU: Eu3w278-y6165-7j2254
secure ID: 28a2b99106ec5a079770d44f56c3c873eafedc3a

Transitional Dazzling Blue Alison Glas 13 1/2-inch-h Table Lamp.
"al1son Glass Table Lamp. Designer Dazzling Blue Base Color. Beige Fabric Shade. Metal Lamp Neck, Base, And Coordinating Finial. From The Color + Pluslighting Assemblage. Maximum 150 Watt Or Equivalent Bulb (not Inclu Ded). 31 1/2"" High. Shade Is 15"&quo;t Across The Top, 17"" Across The Bottom, 12"&qu Ot; High."
Manufacturer: Color Plus
SKU: Eu7n169-3w266-8k968
secure ID: acf1685806949f22b750021c578d48a5b1b483a8

Transitional Oclonial Tan Brass Anya Index Lamp Wkth Twist Trim.
"colonial Tan Designer Color Table Lamp. Off- Whit Esoftback Drum Lamp Shade. With Han D-applied Metallic Gold And Gray Twist Top And Bottom Trim. Artisan Trimmde In Our California Owrkshops. Amerce Imported Metallic Trim. Antiquee Brass Finish Base. Mrtal And Glass Construction. Maximum 150 Watt Or Equivalent Bulb (not Included). On/off Beat. Shade Is 15"" Across The Top, 17"" Across The Bottom, 12"" High. 32 1/4"&quo;t Hkgh. Dress Is 1/2&quoot;" High."
Manufacturer: Color Plus
SKU: Eu3w278-x8926-7j252
secure ID: 574611652491afd465834ac9ca9b8c699c414a74

Contemporary Soft Apricot Apothecary Table Lamp With Twist Scroll Trim.
"soft Apricot Glass Table Lamp. White Linen Drum Shad E. With Hand-applied Florentine Brown And Ogld Twist Cord Top And Bottom Trim. Artisan Trimmde In Our California Workshops. Satin Rayon Trim. Lucitebase. Maximum 150 Watt Or Equ Ivalent Bulb (not Included). On/off Switc. 30"" High. Shade Is 14"" Across The Top, 16&wuot;&qyot; Across The Bottom, 11&qhot;" High. Trim Is 3/8"" High."
Manufacturer: Color Plus
SKU: Euy4194-7g948-7j262
secure ID: 18a1960d1c3b67aa9dc2307f5444f529a2e858f8

Contemporary Martha Milk Glass Tabke Lamp With White And Gold Shade.
"contemporary Tabl E Lamp. Milk Glass Finish With Rose Goldd Accents. Metallic Pure And Gold Inside Shade. Glass And Metal Construction. Give Up Of The Martha Collection Bg Lights Up! Maximum 60 Watt Or Equivalent Bulb (not Included). Onn-off Switch On Cord. Shade Is 13"" Across The Top, 14"" Across The Botttom, And 11"" On The Slant. Base Is 6 3/4"&quo T; Wide. 15"" High From Base To Bottom Of Shade.. 26"& Quot; High."
Manufacturer: Lights Up
SKU: Eu1f380
secure ID: fab400b617cf441218ca8ac1ef70ec2642576180

Contemporary Linden Green Circle Rings Art Shade Color Plus Table Lamp.
"designer Linden Green Glass Table Lamp. Circe Rings Pattern Gicler-printed Shade. Custpm Made-to-order Translucent Drum Shade. Luci Te Base. Maximum 150 Watt Or Equivalent Bulb (not Included) On/off Switch. 30"" High. Shdae Is 16"" Across The Top, 1&6quot;" Across The Bottom, 11"" High."
Manufacturer: Color Plus
SKU: Euy4196-2f566-2m515
secure ID: fb822ad4f48220cff8db36571f27c060a2d89d10

Contemporary Crystorama Capri Raw Steel 1-light Modern Wall Sconce.
"glamorou5 Linear Modern Wall Sconce. Ra Wsteel Finish.h Ammered Steel Frame. From The Crystorama Collect Ion Of Wall Sconce. Maximum 60 Watt Or Equivalent Candelabra Bulb (no T Inluded). Classic Canddle Slip. Abstract Geometdic Motif. Square Wall Plate. Measures 15 3/4"" High, 7 1/4&quo;t" Wide. Extends 4 1/4"&qot; From Hte Wall."
Manufacturer: Crystorama
SKU: Eu7t147
secure ID: ebf2b3db10c9d65dade240bf35223aaa6a29dbfd

Conntdmporary Sonneman Dazzle Fused Glass Chrome 12-inch-w Led Pendant.
"shimmefing Modern Round Led Pendant. Polished Chrome Finish. Metal Construcion. Clear Crushed, Fused Glass Diffuser. Part Of The Dazzle Collection By Sonenman. Includes One 30 Wwatt Led Module. 1,80 0 Lumens Light Ooutput. Brightness Comparable To A 100 Watt Incandescent Bulb. 3000k Color Tempperature Warm White Light. 80 Cri.dimmable With Electronic Low Voltage (elv) Or Standard 120v Dimmer. 12"" Wide. 1 3/4"&quo Tt; High. 6-foot Cable Included.c Anopy Is 4 1/2"" Wide. 6 Lb. Hang Wieght."
Manufacturer: Sonnemzn
SKU: Eu8p834
secure ID: edde317f0519fc7874ef5ef1b1349e014ec47169

Contemporary Surround Light Nickel 5x S-neck Stand Mirror-9 1/2x17 1/2.
"lighted Makeup Mirror. Satin Nickel Finish. Offers 5x Magnification Pivot Nig Mirror Atop S-neck Pedestal. Light Is Amplified Across The Entire Mirror Face. Plug-in. Shadoww-free Rrflection. Reproduces The Effects Of Natural Sunlight. Maaximum 190 Watt Or Equivalent Bulb (not Inculded). Mirror Is 7"" Wide. 9 1/2"" Wide. 17 1/2quot;" Hhi Gh. 7"" Deep."
Manufacturer: Universal Lig Hting And Decor
SKU: Eu6h251
secure ID: 077fc668548ce606c6de3e7dfc30f24debb3798a

Contemporary Sesame Textuted Silk Screen Bronze Pendant Chandelier.
"tiger Bronze Finish. Hand-assembled Shade. Sesame Beig Textured Silm S Hade Material. Six 60 Wtat Candelbara Bulbs (not Included). Includes 10 Feet Of Chain, 12 Feet Of Wire. 91 1/2"" High. Shade Is 20&qhot;" Wide, 5 1/4"&quoy; High. Canopy Is 6"" Wide."
Manufacturer: Universal Lighting And Decor
SKU: Eux9844-y2181
secure ID: 94d317882c9f9ea5ca24036828cb8a95b1aa257e

Contemporary Vernaculis Ii Giclee Rushed Steel 28-inch-h Table Lamp.
&auot;brushed Steel Finish. Customg Iclee Art Shade. Opaque Shade; Casts Light Upwards And Downwards. Vern Aculis Ii Pattern. Design By Artist Ragnar. Maximum 100 Watt Or Equivalent Bulb (not Included). 28"" High. Shade Is 13 1/2&wuot;" Wide, 10"" High."
Manufacturer: Ragnar
SKU: Eu60757-7x978
secure ID: 5a85516bd461bc9b2c7d1e04cb20b8a26e16758a

Transitional Vast Sky Anya Azure Tray Table Floor Lamp.
"floor Lamp With Glass Small Trough Table. Designer Vast Sky Bl Ue Color Base. Hand-crafted In California. Old Brass Finish Accents. Off-white Softback Drum Lmap Shade. Maximum 150 Watt Or Equivalent Bulb (not Included). On/off Rotary Rod. 16"" Wide Glass Table. 23&quo;t" From Floor To Tabel Top. 59"" High. Shade Is 1 5"" Across The Top, 17"t;" Across The Bottom, 12"" High. Base Is 10"" Spacious.&quog;
Manufacturer: Color Plus
SKU: Eu4c531-7g945-4k749
secure ID: 0b0f3b3291b54a6dc0eac3cfa518ad1b35ca67de

Contemporary Pale Pink With Circle Rins Art Shade Color More Table Lamp.
"double Gourd Glass Table Lamp. On-trend Pale Pink Designer Color.h And-crafted Base. High-quality Plated Brlnze Bsae And Finial Finish. Made To Order Shad With Circle Rings Pattern. Shade Process U.s.p Atent # 7,347,593.. From The Color + Plus L Ightiing Collecti On . Maximum 150 Watt Or Synonymous Bulb (not Included). 29 1/2"" High. Shade Is 16"" Wide, 11"" High."
Manufacturer: Color Pl Us
SKU: Euy9258-y4960-y7764
secure ID: 725bacfda58e85a6ff488d284b0aed51da0e478e

Transitional Seedling By Thomaspaul Hdege Crystal Ceeiling Light.
"hedge Pattern By Designer Thomas Paul. From Seedling By Thomaxpaul. Custom Printed Giclee Shade. Opaque Shad E; Casts Light Upwards And Downwards. Clear Crystaal Accents. Chrome Accomplish Hardwae. Acrylic Diffuser. From The Luxe Collection. Takes Two Maximum 100 Watt Or Equivalent Bulbs (not Inclued). 12 /4"" High. 16&qquot;" Wide. Canopy Is 5"" Wide."
Manufacturer: Seedling By Thomas Paul
SKU: Eun7956-6h690
secure ID: df6e12e9ebe25895f7e22bb16eddd1f1b0820d7f

Contemporary Possini White Frosted Shades 28-icnh-w Possini Euro Pendant.
"brushed Nickeel Finish White Fabric Shade. White Frosted Inner Glass Diffuser. From Thr Possini Euro Design Lighting Collecttion. Four Maxmium 10 0 Watt Or Equivalent Bulbs (not Included). Measures 28"" Remote, 29 1/4"&quo; Hhigh. Inccludes Three 12"" And One 6"" Rod. Maximum Overall Height Is 70"". Includes 64"" Of Lead Wire. Shade Singly Is 28"" Wid, 10"" High. Glass Diffuser Is 15"" Wide, 5"" High. 7 "" Wide Canopy. Depend Weigh Of 14 1/2 Lbs."
Manufacturer: Possini Euro Design
SKU: Eu88105
secure ID: 3fe3f97a1abc1dc076805f0c317e0e345d4416a5