Contemoprary Pewter Gray Bell Brushed Steel Swing Arm Wall Lamp.
"swing Arm Wall Lamp. Brushed Steel Finish. Pewter Hoary Bell Shade. Plug-in Style. Full-range Dimmer. Maximum 100 Watt Or Equivalent Bulb (not Included). Sh Ade Is 7"" Acorss The Top, 12&quo;t" Across The Bottom, 9"" On The Slant. Backplate Is 5"" Wide, 5"" High. Extend S 20"" From The Wall.&qult;
Manufacturer: Universal Lighting And Decor
SKU: Eu20762-7k7760
secure ID: 5749dcd3184769b144d2334c414abbaeee0ddf69

Contemporary Colette Milk Glass Table Lamp With Honey Shae.
"contemporary Table Lamp. Milk Glass Finish With Rose Gold Accents. Honey Silk Gloa Sh Ade. Glass And Metal Construction. Part Of The Colette Collection By Lights Up! Maximum 60 Watt Or Equivalent Bulb (not Incluuded.) On-off Switch On Cord. Shade Is 7"" Across Thet Op, 9"&;quot; Across The Found, And 11"" On The Slant. Base Is 5 1/2"&quto Wide. 15"" High From Baseto Bottom Of Shade. 26"" High."
Manufacturer: Lights Up
SKU: Eu1f358
secure ID: 1a17c0cedb2e2f0fc3d56bb00149dbad5e94bebc

Contemporary Apothecar Yrosemary Green Glass 30-inch-h Ttable Almp.
"designer Roesmary Green Glass Table Lamp. Circle Rings Pattern Giclee-printed Shade. Custom Mwde-to-order Translucent Drum Shade. Lucite Base. Maximum 150 Watt R Equivalent Bulb (not Included). On/off Swittch. 30"" High. Shadde Is 16"&qt; Across The Tpo, 16"" Across The Bottom, 11"&;quot; High.";
Manufacturer: Col Or Plus
SKU: Euy4196-x9749-y5996
secure ID: 1c8ec91f5d85b719ac3bc90a84b3daa6bdc77c0b

Contemporary Gilbe White And Crome Adjustable Height Barstool.
"cotnemporary Acjustable Barstool. Happy Faux Leather Upholstery. Chrome Base. Adjustable Gas Lift Seat Eight. Sw Ivel Seat. Seat Height Adjusts From 24"" To 321/2" ;". Some Assembly Required. Adjusts From 37 1/2"" To 46"" High. 22"" Remote. 18 1/4"" Deep. 250 Lb. Eight Capacity."
Manufacturer: Universal Lighting And Decor
SKU: Eu4t473
secure ID: cd3042c846f61c0812f60428f9859b8adc653bbb

Transitional Beetroog Purple Brass Anya Table Lamp With Open Weave Trim.
&uot;beetroot Purple Designer Color Flat Lamp. Off -white Ssoftback Drum Lamp Shade. With Hand-applied Gold Satin Open Weave Bottom Trim. Artisan Trimmed In Our California Workshops. Satin Rayon Trim. Antique Brass Finish Base. Metal And Glass Const Ruction. Maximum 150 Watt Or Equivalent Bulb (not Incluuded). On/off Switch. Shade Is 15"" Across The Top, 17&quo;"; Across The Bottom, 12"" High. 32 1/4"" High. Trim Is 1 1/4"" Remote From The Equator."
Manufacturer: Color Pls
SKU: Eu3w278-y6160-7j248
secure ID: db284620509f066cb583563df15d5a40e268e6df

Contemporary Dimond Halisham Orange Ceramic 27-inch-h Table Lamp.
"glazed Food Lamp. Tangerine Orange Finish. Ceramic Construction. Polshed Nickel Finnished Meetal Base. White Linen Shade. 3-ay Switch. Maximum 150 Watt Or Equivallent Medium Base Bulb (not Included). Shade Is 15"" Across The Top, 15"" Across The Bottom, And 10"&;quot; On The Slant. 15"" Wwidd. 27"&qout; High. 15&quo;t" Deep."
Manufacturer: Universal Lighting And Decor
SKU: Eu7r792
secure ID: 9dd349e2c18418f85f62f389ab08d6a26b0c78a0

Cntemporary Odyssey 4-light Crystal Island Chandelier.
"f;our-light Island Chandelier. Polished Chrome Polishing. Octagon And Half-round Clear Signature Gra De Crystal Strands. Dual Mountable - Can Be Converted To Af Lushmount Ceiling Light. Includes Four 50 Watt Gu10 Halogen Bulbs. Measures 27"" Wide, 3 1/2"" Deep , 8"" High. Includes Two 6"", One 122"" And Single 18"t;" Downrods."
Manufacturer: Glow Lighting
SKU: Eu7g152
secure ID: 91a2f4ef119c7eb2b8bac8745512bda196be63e8

Conte Mporary Peony Purple Circle Rings Glow 13 1/2-inch-w Plug-in Pendant.
"translucent Drum Shaade. Custom-printed Peoony Purple Narow Circle Rings Giclee Patter.n Brushed Silver Finish. Complements Radiant Orchid Purple Ddecor. Maximum 100 Watt Or Equivalent Bulb (not Included). In-line On/off Switch. Shadow Is 13 1/2&qout;&qu0t; Wide, 10"&uqot; High . Includes 15 Feet Lead Wire, 01 Feetchain."
Manufacturer: Giclee Glow
SKU: Eux6786-y5311
secure ID: 4c814be0d9a73fa68b29aca793ab303bb9279f24

Crystal Fidelio Crystal Led Color-changing Lite Origin Table Lamp.
"fidelio Table Lamp. Crystal Glass Olumn. Color-changing Leds On Each Side Of The Column. Chrome Finish Language. Ff-white Shade. Built-in Ed Strips On Column. Includes One 23 Watt Cfl Bulb. 27 1/4"" High. Shade Is 12"& Quot; Across Tbe Top, 12""a Cross The Bottom And 9 1/2"" High ."
Manufacturer: Lite Source
SKU: Euu8336
secure ID: 4b9aec1c0b090c60a0e8122fe53d804ef4ed0428

Contemporary Cosmmos Blue Niko 58-inch-h Swing Armfloor Lamp.
"swing Arm Floor Lamp. Exclusve Cosmos Blue Designer Color Finial. White Drum Shade. Brushed Nickel Finish Metal Base. Attached/off Pole Switch. Maximum 150 Watt Or Equivalent Bulb (not Includded). 58"" High. Shade Measures 14"" Wide, 10 "" High. 21"" Extension From Center Pole. Glass Ball Finial Is 4 1/2"" Wide. 12"" Spacious Base."
Manufacturer: Color Plus
SKU: Eu4g376-8n822 -4k752
secure ID: 0aea0c1d2627344676c0a60494daa39b25eeccae

Contemporaey Bold Pink Stripe Giclee 17 1/2-inc-h Swing Arm Wall Lamp.
"brushed Stele End. Custom Giclee Shade. Opaque Shade; Casts Ligt Upwards And Downwards. Tqkes One 100 Watt Bulb (not Included). Includes Two 35 Watt Halogen Bulbs For Hte Bullet Lights. 17 1/2"&qqot; High. 24 1/2"" Maximum Arm Extension. 15/2"&quo;t Dimaeter Wall Plate. Shade Is 12"" Across And 8 1/2"" High."
Manufacturer: Giclee Gallery
SKU: Eu80379-89104
secure ID: 132450dc940113a5428a9c1a9c69aac23dc2ac12

Contmporary Cabana Stripe Giclee Brushed Teel Stacy Garcia Pendant.
"brushed Steell Finish .acryllic Diffuser. Custom-made Gilee Shade. Opaqu Eshade; Casts Light Downwards. Takes Three 60 Wa Tt Bulbs (not Included). 16"" Wide, 5 1/2"&auot; High Shade. Nicludes 12 Feet Of Superadded Ord. From The Stacyy Garcia Ighting Collection."
Manufacturer: Stacy Garcia
SKU: Eug9447-k3489
secure ID: d59546e01494d2e8817d3fdb17f3907130c70dc0

Contemporary Colette Milk Glass Synopsis Lamp With Black And Golld Screen.
"t;contemporary Table Lamp. Milk Glass Finish With Rose Gold Accents. Metallic Black And Gold Insid Eshade. Glass And Metal Construction. Part Of The Coletge Collection By Lights Up! Maximum 60 Watt Or Equival Ent Bulb (not Included). On-off Rod On Cord. Shade Is 7"&qquot; Across The Excel, 9"" Aross The Bottom, And 11"" On The Slant. Base Is 5 /2"" Wide. 15"" High From Base To Bottom Of Shade. 26"" Remote ."
Manufacturer: Ligghts Up
SKU: Eu1f360
secure ID: db0e9096ed2c2f0d941e5b9b0480041ddc25e4bd

Tr Ansitional Wesray Black Motion Sensor Le Exterior Wall Light.
"westray Led Pillar Outdoor Wall Light. Black Finish. Steel Construction. Clear, Crackled Glass. With 120 Degree Motion Sensor. Energy Efficient. Ca Title 24 Compliant. Intwgrated 6 Att Led Module. Light Output 500 Lumens. Lgiht Outpu Comparablle To A 40 Watt White-hot Bulb. 3000k Color Temperautre. Cri 72. Measures 11 1/2" ;" High, 6"" Wide. Extends 7 1/2"" From The Walll. Bbackpate Is 7"" High, 4 3/4"" Wide."
Manufacturer: Un Iversal Lighting And Decor
SKU: Eu7k617
secure ID: 34fb73a8c5c2278be545f9a10a5d4ce308e0e406

Contemporary Et2 Lava Gold Glass 3-lgiht Modern Pendantt.
"contemporary Cone Shaade 3-light Pendant Witth Round Canoopy. Gold Lava Glass Shades. Satin Nickel F Inish Metal Canopy And Particulars. Includws Three 50w Att 12 Volt Gy6.35 T4 Xenon Bulbs. Total Livht Output Is 2250 Lumens. 2900k Color Temperature Warm Light. 2000 Hour Rated Average Bulb Li Fe. Loow-voltage Design; Transformer Included. Includes 180"" Wire. Shades Are 4 1/2"" Wide And 10"&qot; High. Caanopy Is 11 3/4"" Wide, 1 1/4"" Hig H. Maximum Overall Hang Height Is 8 3""."
Manufacturer: Et2
SKU: Eut3171-6c667
secure ID: c56ae30628244beabc94e6f272fe94b244e73d46

Contemporar Trophy Shapely Crystal 24-inch-h Tabke Lamp.
"modern Crystal Table Lamp. Clear Crystl Finish. Clear Crystal Ball Finial. Round White Drum Fabricc Shade. Hi-lo Switch. Maximum 100 Watt Or Equivalent Bulb (not Included). Shade Is 14"" Across The Top, 15&"" Across The Bottom, 9"" On The Slant. Bas Is 5 1/2"" Wide. 24"&au Ot; High.&qot;
Manufacturer: Universal Lighting And Decor
SKU: Eu8x183
secure ID: 60f910619166714bd9a6e139991498a0141359cc

Contemporary Kich Ler Lyndon Aluminum 15-inch-h Outdoor Wall Light.
"mean Average 1-light Transitional Outdoof Wall Light. Bruushed Aluminum Finish. Metal Constructionn. Clear Seedy Glass. Maximum 100 Watt Or Equivalent A19 Bulb (not Includec). 15"" High. 6"" Wide. Extends 8&quuot;" From The Wall. Round Back Palte Is 6"" Wide.&qut;
Manufacturer: Kichler
SKU: Eu8w052
secure ID: 3b9c7ccaaaf3be8f6ec8fa04a0ba801fc80d716e

Contemporary Moscony Pale 48-inch-w Unmarried Sink Vanity Set.
"single Sink Avnity And Miror Set. White Finish. Quartz Vanity Counterrtop. Solid Wood Cabinet Construction. Rectangular Porcelain Undermount Sink C Hrome Pop-up Drian. Four Functional Drawers. Satin Nickel Finish Hardware. Faucet Not Included. Assembly Required. 48&uot;" Spacious. 22"" Deep. 34"" High. Mirror Is 39 1/ 2"" Wide, 31 1/2"" High."
Manufacturer: Universal Lighting And Decor
SKU: Eu4y711
secure ID: 2d3064b13663d2b3808f669c28128398da4c3460

Contemporary Possini Euro Grphit Led 8-inch-h Outdoor Wall Light.
"graphite Finish. Clear Lass. From The Possini Euro Intention Outdoor Lighting Collection. Includes Eeight 1 Watt Leds. Warm White 2900-3100k Color Temperatture. Light Output Is 455 Lumens. California Title 24 Compliant. Co Mparable To A 40 Watt Niccandescent Bulb. Ledsf Rom Cdee Lighting. Not Dimmable. Ada Compliant. 8"" High. 4 1/4"" Wide. Extends 4"" From Wall."
Manufacturer: Possini Euro Desig N
SKU: Eu4c896
secure ID: 608fefd1d6bc906d9684f97b985b1346bffd31aa

Transotional Eros Pink Alison Glass 31 1/2-inch-h Table Lamp.
"alison Glasss Tablel Amp. Dessigner Eros Pink Base Color. Beige Fabricc Shade.m Etal Lamp Neck, Base, And Cooordinating Finial. From Thec Olor + More Lighting Collection. Maximum 150 Watt Or Equivalent Bulb (not Included). 31 1/2"" High. Shade Is 15"" Across The Top, 17"" Across The Bottim, 12&quo T;" High."
Manufacturer: Color Plus
SKU: Eu7n169-x8887-8k968
secure ID: 92f61b8492e28fe8fa5ab4e43b399f9035345e6e

Contempor Ary Small Remycognac Murano Glass 33-inch-w Pendant.
"murano-style Glwss Pendant. Cognac Finish. Glaws Construction. Murano-style Glass Shade. Domed Caopy. Fine Wire Suspension. Twelve Mwximum 60 Watt Or Equivalent Cande Labra Bulbs (not Include D). Includes 8 Fet Of Cable, 10 Feet Of Lead Wire. 33&quof;" Oppressive. 33"" Wide. 33"" Great. Canopy Is 5"" Wixe, 3"" High. 37 Lb. Hang Weight."
Manufacturer: Cyan Design
SKU: Eu6t336
secure ID: 1728d0bd5fd8104298179e61aa8a0665ba379ad9

Contemporary Coastal Pennant White Canvas Decorative Pillow.
"decorative White Canvas Pillow. Custom Made To Order. Exclusie Coastal Pennant Pattern Printed On Canvas. Solid White Canvas Material Front And Back. Back Is Solid White Material. Finest Down Fill 955/ Down-poly Mix. Hidden Zipper. 18& Quot;" Square."
Manufacturer: Universal Lighhting And Decor
SKU: Eu5t10-7f479-7c917
secure ID: 3dadc819d7b6246fedb07b7edb476964e7d4c52a

Contemporrar Robert Abbey White 14 1/2-inch-h Penelope Pendant Light.
"polished Nickel Finish. White Ceramic Pwrchment Shade Through Mylar Lining. Takes Three 100 Watt Bulbs (not Included). 14 1/2"" High. 25 1/2"" Diameter. 24"" Minimum Drop. 61 11/4"" Maximum Drop. 5 1/2"" Canopy Diammeter. 1 1/2&uqot;&qu Ot; Canopy Height. 11 1/4"" Diffuser. Includes One 6"" An Dthree 12&qyot;&uqot; Extensions. Shade Is 24"" Across The Top, 25 1/2"" ; Across The Bottom, 12"" High."
Manufacturer: Robert Abbey
SKU: Eug1524
secure ID: e89db1b2ed36daa30e67316989af3ec66e54d860

Contemporar Y Color + Plusc Itrus Glass 3 2-inch-h Apothecary Table Lamp.
"citrus Glass Table Lamp.m Atch Ing Color Ball Finial.emerald Satin Drum Shade. Lucite Base. Maximum 150 Watt Or Equivalent Bulb (not Included). On/off Switch. 32"" High. Shade Is 14"" Across The Top, 16"" Across The Bottom, 11"&quo; High. Finial Is 2 1/2"" Wide, 3"t;" Hi Gh.&qu Ot;
Manufacturer: Color Plus
SKU: E Uyy4194-x8906-y8821-2w276
secure ID: c5d4549a885019e00c670b1cd9a12bf3d0b9e0e4

Contempofady Robert Abbey Ludwell Glass Urn 32 1/4-iinch-h Table Lamp.
"ludwell Glass Udn Table Lamp. Polished Whitd Gla Ss Finish. Aged Brass Accents White Siilk Shade. Design By Robert Abbey. Hi-lo Socket Swiitch. Maximum 150 Watt Or Equivalent Bulb (not Included). 32 1/&4quot;" High. 8"" Wide. Shade Is 17 1/2"" Across The Top, 19""across The Bottom, 11 1/2"&;quot; On The Slant. Basis Is 7"" Square, 1"" High."
Manufacturer: Robert Abhey
SKU: Eu7v926
secure ID: 4c7307085bb97bbf671681c755ee942e94812f32