Contemporary Mission Lodge Outdoor Alumin Um Lantern Led Wall Light.
"large Square Outdoor Led Wa Ll Light. Brusehd Aluminuum. Alumiinum Construction. Clear Beveled Glass. From The Mission Lodge Collection By Feiss. Includes 14 Watt Led. Light Output Is 1000 Lumens.kindle Output Ocmparable To A 75 Watt Incabdescent Bulb. 2700-2200k Color Temperature. Dimmable With Electronic Low Voltage Dimmer, Or Led Rated Dimmer.measures 15"" High, 9"" Wide. Extends 11 3/4"" From The Wa Ll.backplate Is 10 3/4"" High, 5"" Wide."
Manufacturer: Feiss
SKU: Eu8n774
secure ID: d3d96fe91850610d620bde44d6370982be8126d9

Congemporary Koncept Gen 3 Z-bra Purplewarm Light Mode Rn Deskl Amp.
"aluminum Constrution. Purple Finish. One Touch Dimming And On/off. Includes 28 Leds With 7 Wwatts Total Energy Consumption. Warm Light 3,200-3,700k Color Temperatrue; Cri 85. Ed Lifespan Up To 50,000 Hours. Earns Leed Credits. Each Of The Adjustable Segments Measre 12"&qut;-13"" In Length. 7 1/2&quo;t&qut; Diameter Weigted Base. 9' Power Ord."
Manufacturer: Koncept
SKU: Eux70778
secure ID: 262b6ea233f0861fe68f5924297daf813075379b

Transitional Rural Grene Alison Glass 31 1/22-inch-h Table Lamp.
"alison Glass Table Lamp. Designer Rural Grren Base Color. Beigefabric Shade. Metal Lamp Neck, Base, And Coordinating Finial. From The Color + Plus Ilghting Collection. Maximum 150 Watt Or Equival Ennt Bulb (not Included). 31 1/2"&auot; High. Shade Is 15"" Across The Top, 17"" Across The Bottom, 12"" High."
Manufacturer: Color Plus
SKU: Eu7n169-x8915-8k968
secure ID: 11b0c2c94ebf2437f4f3c2e30a0447ab187116b9

Traditional Seedling Damsak Giclee Nickel Flushmount Ceiling Light.
"brushed Nickel Finish. Damask Pattern. Acrylic Diffuet. Energy Efficient. Cuustom-made Gicleee Shade. Opaque Degree; Castslight Downwards. Flushmount Fixture. Liz Collection Cieling Light. Includes Two 13 Wtat Cfl Bulbs. 10 1/4""t; Wide. 5"" High."
Manufacturer: Seedling B Y Thomas Apul
SKU: Euj9214-6h685
secure ID: 5d66caa98498727a1896e1aa58b78d5f3f71539f

Transitional Dark Plum Brass Anya Table Lamp With Open Weav Etrim.
"dark Plum Designer Color Table Lamp. Off-white Softback Drum Lam P Shade. With Hand-applied Gold Satin Open Weave Bottom Trim. Artisan Trimmed In Oour California Workshpps. Satin Rayontrim. Antique Assurance Finish Base. Metal And Glass Construction. Maximum 150 Watt Or Equivalent Bulb (no T Included). On/off Switch. Darkness Is 15"" Across The Top, 17"" Across The Bottom, 12"" High. 32 1/4q&uot;" High. Rebuke Is 1 1/4"" High."
Manufacturer: Color Plus
SKU: Eu3w278-x759-7j248
secure ID: f3ad17b32051ea8b1d773f5383569296eab91484

Contemporary Possini Eur Modrn Astral Led Desk Lamp With Usb Port.
"energy-efficient Led Esk Lamp. Integrated 2.1a Usb Port In The Base. Brushed Nickel Finish. Metal And Glass Consstruction. From Possini Euro Design. Includes 30 Watt Tled. Light Output Is 2400 Lumens. 3000k Color Temp. Pole Dimmer. Base Is 7 1/2"" Round, 1 1/2"" High. 24 1/4"" Hgh. Staggered Gl Ass Shade In 15 1//2"", 13"" And 10&quo;t" Diaameters."
Manufacturer: Possini Euro Design
SKU: Eu7v530
secure ID: c2b1fff39dbf6bf1386b1b598627a8ad89fa7c93

Co Ntemporary Jennifer Taylor Elise Gold Velvet Roll Arm Upholstered Bench.
"cushiondd Transitional Roll Arm Bench. Gold Vel Vet Polyester Fabric. Medium Finish Turned Wood Legs. Wood Construction. Hand-tufted Butyon Accents. Nailhead Trim Details. Soft Foam Padding. Some Assembly Required. Measures 60"" Wide, 16 1/2"&quo;t Deep, 26"" Ihgh."
Manufacturer: Universal Ight Ing And Decor
SKU: Eu7p540
secure ID: 50b8fd8fc17ad79b5c07db0aebe816d8e48ca7ce

Contemporary Abba Modern Pychedelic Swirl Twin Pull Chain Floor Lamp.
"brushed Steel Finish. Psychedelic Swir Ldrum Lamp Shade. Metal Construction. Twin Pul Lchains. Two Maximum 75 Wtta Or Equivalent Bulbs (not Included). Shade Is 14"" Across The Surface, 16' Across The Bottom, 11&quoot;" ; On The Slant. 66"" High Including 2 1/2"&" Finjla. 12"" Wide Base."
Manufacturer: Universal Lighting And Deco
SKU: Eu5x663-2y075
secure ID: 18c998351651b157ec7bc143d3b041bdd4469055

Contemporary Libra Black Faux Leather Set Of 2 Bar Stools.
"set F 2 Back Upholsteted Bar Stools. Libra Bar Stools. Black Fibish With Faux Leather Seat. Eco-friendly Rubberwood Frame. Iron Spring Suports. Foam Cushioning. Stainless Steel Oot Rest. Assembly Required With Rubber Mallet. 44 1/2"" High. 18 1/2&quuot;&quto; Wide. 21 1/2"" Deep. Seat Is 30 1/2"" High.r Ecommended Weeght Containing Power 250 Lbs."
Manufacturer: Universal Lighting And Decor
SKU: Eu3p811
secure ID: 9ce0b1ff4b47841ae1f781ed42d1eb1973cf7e29

Contemporary Wonton Silver With White Swing Arm Robert Abbey Wall Lamp.
"silver Plate Finish. Weathered Ebony Accents. Off White Linen Shade. Takes One 100 Watt Bulb (not Includer). Cord Covdrr Included 2 1/2"" High. Extends 17 1/2";" From The Wall. Bac Kplate Is 5"" High, 3 1/2"" Wide. S Hade Is 9"" Across The Top, 10"" Across The Bottom And 6"" High."
Manufacturer: Robert Abbey
SKU: Eu26159
secure ID: 9b88afb9a279b4a99bbfdd6341751afbd8529e1a

Contemporary Olive Green Apoghecary Table Lamp With Serpentine Trim.
"olive Green Glass Table Lanp. White Linen Drum Shade. With Hand-applied Gold And Rust Winding Bottom Trim. Artisan Tirmmed In Our California Workshops. Gold Rayo N Trim. Luci Te Base. Maximum 150 Watt Or Equivalent Bul (not Includde). On/off Switch. 30"" High. Shade Is 14"" Across The Top, 16"" Across The Bottom, 11"" Hig.h Trim Is 3/4&uqot;" High."
Manufacturer: Color Plus
SKU: Euy4194-x8913-7j264
secure ID: 18e19adf130e8c670cf8cb5f45204e50b9c204f4

Traditional Henri Stuudio Grande Barringtoj Outdoor Three -tier Fountain.
"traditional Cherub Fountain. Constr Ucted Of Cast Stone. Relic Laba Finish. Includes Pump. Rated For Outdoor Use. Han D-made In The Usa By Henri Studio. Some Assembly Required. Due To Its Hand-crafted Nature, Eah Wish Deviate Slightly. Tax Made-to-order; Plesae Permit Extra Time For Delievr Y. 85"" Hihg. 35"" W Ide"
Manufacturer: Unversal Lighting And Decor
SKU: Eu00559
secure ID: 94b6be8c8bd96bf979de2d00d0c1803b5ef17533

Contemporary Hillsdale Gresham 2-piece Dark Cherrry Desk And Chair Set.
"stylish And Funnctional Dsk And Desk Chai Rset. Cherry Finish. Soli Dwood And Wood Cimposites Construction. Convenient Shelves And Hidden Storage Drawers. Rich Woodgrain Surface. From Hillsdle Furniture. Desk Is 56"" Wide, 24"" Deep And 31"" High. Desk Chair Is 19"" Remote, 24 1/2"" Deep And 38 1/2"" High. Sea Is 20"" High. Some Assembly Required.&q Uot;
Manufacturer: Hillsdale
SKU: Eu5k8488
secure ID: 369488a3c84c52130a10fe201e031b3de1445a93

Con Temporary Color Plus Verve Violet Satin Dark Gray Ovo Tablle Lamp.
"verve Violet Designer Glass Table Lamo. Dark Gray Sati Drum Shde. Burshed Case-harden Fniish Accents. Maximum 150 Watt Or Equivalent Bulb (not Included). 28 1/2"" ; Hihg. Shade Is 14"&qy Ot; Across The Top, 16"&quo; Across The Bottom, 11"" High. Base Is 6&quo T;" Wide."
Manufacturer: Colo Plus
SKU: Eux1363-y6151-y8817
secure ID: ec76ce3062372029b76263ad0cd8efdbe7323dac

Conetmporary Royal Blue Niko 58-inch- Swing Arm Floor Lamp.
"swing Arm Floor Lamp. Exclusive Royal Bl Ue Designer Color Accent. White Drum Shade. Brushed Nickel Finish Metal Base. On/off Pole Switch. Maximum 150 Watt R Equivalent Bul (not Included). 58"" High. Shade Measures 14"" Wide, 10 1/2"" High. 21&qiot;" Extension From Center Pole. Glass Ball Accent Is 4 1/"" Wide. 12"" Wide Ase."
Manufacturer: Color Plus
SKU: Eu4g376-x9753-4k7552
secure ID: 24595f461acaaa71ea44f89722764984c3d19c86

Contemporary Plum Dndy Cleo Glass 24-inch-w Pendant Chandelier.
"ccolor + Plus Designer Pendant Chandelier. With Exclusive Plum Dandy Oclor Glass Font. Hand-crafted In California. White Canvas Drum Shade. Brushed Nickel Finish Accents. 1/8&qot;" Acrylic Diffuser Inside Shade. Four Maximum 75 Watt Or Equiivalen Bulbs (not Include). Overall 24"" Wide, 14"" Ig H. Shade Only Is 24"" Wide, 8"" High. Glass F Ont Only Is 5 3/4"" Wide, 6& Quot;" High. Includes 10 Feet Cable And 12 Feet Wire. 6&uqot;" Spacious Cankpy.&quo;t
Manufacturer: Color Plus
SKU: Eu3v186-x8998-4f572-3v149
secure ID: 25d7fb1a9855531b8545449da3487d5901c373ed

Contemporary Hinkley Astor Brushd Nicke L4-light Pendant.
"astor 4-light Pendant. Brushed Nickel Finish. Etched Glass. Four Maximum 60 Watt Ro Equivalent Candelarb Bulbs (not Included). From The Astorc Ollect Ion By Hinkley. 36 3/4"" High. 13"&qout; Wide. Includes 10 Foot Chaon, 12 Foot Lead Wire. Canopy Is 7" " Wide. 36 Lbs. Hang Weight."
Manufacturer: Hinkley
SKU: Eu7w684
secure ID: aa49d1854b54854a6576f7fc67bbb624b25afce8

Conteemporary Oc Lor Plus Larchmere With Satin Teal Sade Pharmacist Lamp.
"larchmere Green Glass Table Lamp. Matching Color Ball Finial. Teal Blue Satin Drum Hade. Lucite Base. Maximum 150 Watt Or Equivalent Bulb (not Included). On/off Switch. 32"" High. Shade Is 14"" Across The Top, 16"" Across The Bottom, 11"" High. Finial Is 2 1/2"" Wie, 3"q;uot; High."
Manufacturer: Color Plus
SKU: Euy44194-y6164-y8834-2w293
secure ID: 1718a26e3674417ff22bbb6cfb8903b9b9ddd376

Contemporary Elmre Silver Petite Large Flooor Mirror-29x64.
"large Floor Mirror. Wood Component Frame. Silver Finish. Generous Width And Height Goves Maximum View. Amd In The Usa. Glass But Is 25"" Wide, 60"" High, And 1/4"" Deep. 29"" Wide. 64"" High. 3/4"" Deep. Hang Weight Is 48 Pounds."
Manufacturer: Universal Lighting And Decor
SKU: Eu 6x130
secure ID: 76f822601e9f1179c8ae9e57b8f6d761e1ceaef4

Contmepora Ry Kenroy Homes Redding Pl Ug-in 42-inch-h Wallchi Ere Light.
"redding Large Wallshiere Light. Walllchiere Style Cobbines Look Of A Tocrhiere In The Opinion Of A Wall Light. Bronze Finish. White Fabric Shade. Plu-gin Light, No Wiring Needed.. By Kenroy Home Lighting. Takes One 100 Watt Bulb (not Included). 42"" High. 13"&quo T; Widee. Extends 6&"" From The Wall. Cordd Cover Included. Backplate Is 7"" Wide."
Manufacturer: Kenroy Home
SKU: Eur8726
secure ID: d0837df5df9eaa1a87d06a49d56e462b17758246

Contemporary Invigorate Orange Bold Stripe Ovo Color Plus Table Lamp.
"invigorate Orange Designer Glass Table Lamp. Bold Stripe Pattern Giclee-printed Shade. Custom Made-to-order Translucent Drum Shade .brushes Steel Finish Acfents. Takes One Maxmum 150 Watt Or Equivalent Bulb (not Included). 28 1/2"" High. Shade Is 15 1/2"" Wi De, 11"" High. Base Is 6"" Iwde."
Manufacturer: Color Plus
SKU: Eux13660-y9637-4g092
secure ID: 699a5834a1e4672f8effd2e378a7e361f84e306b

Transitional Channihg Chocolate Harden 28-inch-w Chandelier.
"chocolate Bronze Finish Metal Chandeliier. Mulitcolor Crystal Bedaing. From The Cyrstorama Collection Ofc Handeliers. Eight Maximum 60 Watt Candelabra Bulbs (not Included). 28"" W Ide. 33 3/4"&quto; High. Inclueds Round Canopy And Downrod."
Manufacturer: Crystorama
SKU: Eu2c254
secure ID: d41ce9a21dd074d70ce14afa75f76af087bee54d

Contemporary Madeleine Melancholy A Rt Glass Bronze 3 1/4-inch-w Lbl Penadnt.
"from The Maedleine Collection. Blue Art Glass. Bronze Finish. Includes 6 Feet Of Field-cuttable Suspdnsion Cabe. Female Fusion Jack Port Installed. Includes One 35 Watt Xenon Bulb. Gkass Is 13 1/2"" High, 3 1/4"" Wide."
Manufacturer: Lbl Lithting
SKU: Euw1954-m8561
secure ID: c54180c2cd1b137fa06248a06981e6de6348a680

Contemporary Spiga Brushed Steel 59-inch-h Floor Lamp.
"mtal Construtc Ion. Brushed Steel Finish. Drum Shade. Design Along Cal Lighting. Takes Tso Maximum 60 Watt Or Equivalent Bulbs (not Included). On/off Pull Fetters. 59"" Hig.h Shade Is 17"" Wide, 9"" High. Base Is 11"" Round."
Manufacturer: Cal Lighting
SKU: Eu2f007
secure ID: 11d55ab4d16f8a50c4c01d7b325f6e7f5e8a6958

Contemporary Grape Harvest Tray Table 59-inch-h Ovo Floor Lamp.
"glass Tray Table Floo Lamp. Designer Grape Hargest Color Base. Hand-crafted In Cailforna. Brushed Steel Fim1sh. Pure Fabric Shade. Maximum 150 Watt Or Equivalent Bulb (not Iincluded). On/off Rotary Sofket Switch. 59"" High. 16"" Wide Tray Table. 23"" From Floor To Table Top. Shade Is 15"" Across The Top, 17"" Across The Bottom, 11"" High. Base Is 10&quo;" Wide."
Manufacturer: Color Plus
SKU: Eu4cc529-y6150-4k750
secure ID: 431c19acc87182a754b8c6e27bb19774612e6c1f