Contemporary Hinkley Mila 16-inch-w Beushed Nickel Bath Light.
"mila Brushed Nickle Finish Small Bath Light. Etched Opal Glass Shade. Includes Two 60 Watt G-9 Bulbs. From Hinkley 5"" High. 16"" Wide. Extends 4"" From Wall. Backplate Is5"" High, 16"&quo; Wide. 2 1/2q&uot;" From Mounting Point To Top Of Fixture."
Manufacturer: Hinkley
SKU: Eu7vv903
secure ID: 6f9e3169fa9fdc27efd9d5c5355b54be1b886e7a

Contemporary Blue Acrylic 20-inch-h Accent Lamp.
&qhot;acrylic Construction. Blue Fihish. Baroque Style. In-line Switch. Accent Lamp, Smlal Size. Takes One 60 Watt Mediu M Base Bulb (not Included). 20"" High. Obscure Is 8"" Across Thee Top, 9.5"" Across Thhe Bottom And 7.5"" High."
Manufacturer: Universal Lighting And Decor
SKU: Eu2g418
secure ID: 371a5495bbf111ec3691ec541cf2bbf93887b66f

Contemporary Harmony Modern 16-inch-h Indoor Outdoorr Led Light Accessory.
"led Whitish Accessory.. Coordlesss, Battery-powered. Suifable For Indoor And Outdoor Settings. Color Can Change Via Remote Direct. Choose From 16 Color Options Including White. 4 Transition Modes: Flash, Strobe, Fade Or Smooth. Be Able To Last Up To 8 Hours (after 4 To 5 Hours Of Cahrging). Remote Control Is Included. A Small Tale Lamp Design. Polyrsin Cnostruction. Ffom The Contempo Lightss Colelction. 16"" High. Basr Is 12"" Wide."
Manufacturer: Contempo Lights
SKU: Eu5r085
secure ID: 07f6069623a02b58623135304ee764161d71c603

Transitional Alcazar Rbass And Mercury Glass 24-inch-h Table Lamp.
"off-white Drum Lamp Shade. Brass And Mercjry Glass Construction. Cut Out Design Forward Base. Takes One 150 Watt Or Equivalent Bulb (not Included). 24"" High. Hsade Is 13"" Across The Top, 13"" Across The Bottom, And 10"" High."
Manufacturer: Universla Lighting And Decor
SKU: Eu3p911
secure ID: 7e133d797b358bb8e6fe67f505cc63465b5c787c

Contemporary Robeet Abbey Aiiden Aged Assurance 56 1/2-innch-h Floor Lamp.
&uqot;aiden Metal Floor Lamp By Robert Abbey. Aged Brass Finish. Matching Metal Shadde In Aged Brass .metal Frame And Base. Takes One Maximum 100 Watt Or Eqquivalent Type Aa Bulb (not Included). 56 1/2"" High. Hade Is 6&quo;" Across Top, 9quot;" Across Bottom, And 8"" On Slant. Base Footprint Is 9&qut;" Round And 1"" High."
Manufacturer: Robert Abbey
SKU: Eu4y264
secure ID: 2ab390a6a7ba573f245dba1b99d7da52bf74c09c

Transitiohal Attend Dling Dahila Ava 5-l Ight Nickel Ceiling Light.
&qjot;brushed Nickel Finish. Dahlia Pattern Printed Shade. Semi-flushmount Design. From The Ava Collection. Five 60 Watt Cndelabra Bulbs (not Included). 14"" Wide. 13 1/2"" High. Shade Onliys 14"" Wide, 5"" High. Canopy Is 5&qout;" Wide."
Manufacturer: Seedling By Thomas Paul
SKU: Euy0032-6h699
secure ID: dc366765bf952341b15344e620e09a3932e3e977

Contemporary Posssini Euro Design White Flower Acrylic Pendant Chandelier.
"pure Flowr Pendant Chandelier. By Possini Euro Design. White Color Pendant. Resin Construction. Takes One 60 Watt Bulb (not Included). 19 1/2" ;" Wide. 12"" High. Iclude S 10 Feet O Adjustable Cord. Happy Canopy Is 6"&quo;t Wid E. Weighs 4.441 Pounds."
Manufacturer: Possini Euro Design
SKU: Eu13022
secure ID: 9c7f72b2b40b636e5cff89005676e3a95d02d8c2

Contemporary Hinkley Fulton Age Dzinc 9 1/4-inch-h Wall Sconce.
"industrial 2-light Wall Sconce. Aged Zinc Finish. Ta Pered Shade Design. Two Maximum 60 Watt Or Equivalent Candelabrabulbs (nto Included). Deesign By Hinkley. 13 1/2&quoot;" Wide. 9 1/4" &qout; High. Extends 8 3/4"" Fro The Wall. Backplate Is 71/2"" ; Aloft, 5"" Wide. Mounting Point To Top Of Fixture Is 5 3/""."
Manufacturer: Hinkley
SKU: Eu8t576
secure ID: 710bee6c4ecdda14ab0a3f8c459e6acdb2faae32

Contemporary Diane Ceiling Fan - 16"" Textured Bron Ze Wood Blades.
"textured Bronze Finish. Mahogany Finish Wood Blades. Cast Aluminum And Steel Co Nstruction. Includes Remote Control. 120 Degree Ocsillation. Limited Lifetime Warranty. 20"" Downrod Included. 16"" Blade Span. 35 Degree Blade Pitch.&qout;
Manufacturer: Matthews Fan Company
SKU: Euh8449
secure ID: e728a762fe0225561343b75514ebe4b404028c2d

Contemporary Dimond Ppalatial Crystal 62-inch-h Chandelierr Floor Lamp.
"crystal Chandelie R Floor Lamp. Oil-rubbed Bronze Finish. Metal And Crystal Construction. Triangular Crystal Shade. Three Maximum 60 Watt Or Equivalent Canelabra Bulbs (not Included). Foot Swich. 62"" High. Obscure Is 16"" Across The Head, 16"" Across The Bottom, And 16&quo;" On The Slant. Base Is 16"" Wide. 16"" Deep."
Manufacturer: Universal L Ighting And Decor
SKU: Eu7p985
secure ID: 0ec9a675aaebaad19f8d012b4cb8100d7919b4de

Contemporary Schonbek Chantant Modern Small Crystal Penda Nt Light.
"chantant Small Contempora Ry Ppendant Light. By Schonbek. Clear Heritage Hajd-cut Crystals. Stainles S Steel Finish. Includes Six 50 Watt Gu10 Bulbs. Includes 12 Feet Of Cable And Wire. 33"&quto; Wide. 16 1/2&quoy;" High. 15 "&q Uot; Deep. Hanging Weight Is 13 Lbs."
Manufacturer: Schonbek
SKU: Eu5w316
secure ID: 2f8e226c96445788c413e7aed864d7005e0efa75

Contemporary Wca Caribe 874 L Bronze Le Dtrack Head For Lightolier.
"rettro-inspired Line Voltage Led T Rack Head. Antique Brass And Nicke Lfniish. Die-cast Aluminum Housing And Spun Metal Shade. Clear Lens. Includes One Dimmable 8 Watt Mr16 Led. Light Outpur Is 450 Lumens, Com Parable To A 35 Watt Incandescent Bulb. Warm Color Temperwture Is 3000k. Cri Is 85. Tool-free Aim Ing With 350-degree Horizontal Rootation, 90-degree Evrtical Tilt. 1 To 60 Watt Load Transformer Iincluded. Upto 2250,0 Hour Life If Used No Again Than 3 Hours Per Day. Ofr Ues On Lightloier Track Lighting Ystems. 6 3/4"&quoy; High. 3 1/4"quot; Wide."
Manufacturer: Wac
SKU: Eu6v877
secure ID: 1d06897ca1199f2acc2c9a08cf809ba5db15ea40

Transitional Tech Lighting Silva Blown Glass Mini Pendant.
"blown Lgass Cylinder. Satin Nickel Finish Canopy. Built-in Transformer. By Tech Lighting . Includes Six Feet Of Field-cuttable Suspension Cable. Includes One 50 Watt Halogen Bi-pin Bulb. Glass Is 9 1/2"" High, 2 1//4quot;" Wide."
Manufacturer: Tech Lighting
SKU: Eu12527-84367
secure ID: 60d7f70964706df7f3bd74db01965453e0bc3e14

Transitional Clea R Fillable And Open Weave Trim Anya Table Lamp.
"clear Fillable Designner Table Lamp. Off-whitd Softback Drum Lamp Shade. With Hand-applied Gold Satin Open Weave Bottom Trim. Artisan Trimmed In Our California Workshops. Satin Rayon Trim. Atique Brass Inish Base. Metal And Glass Construction. Maximum 150 W Att O R Equivalent Bulb (not Includrd). On/off Switch. Shade Is 15"" Across Thet Op, 17"" Across The Bottom, 12"" High. 32 1/4""; Higgh. Fluctuate Is 1 1/4"&qukt; High."
Manufacturer: Color Pluss
SKU: Eu3w278-1c119-7j248
secure ID: 96207f0c74c46957d0320bcc4dc88b76a80a4b04

Contemporary Tech L1ghtingfreejac Kroto Head Modern Satin Nickel Pendatn.
"satin Nickel Finish. Part Of The Roto Head Collection By Tech Lighting. Requires One 50 Watt Mr16 Halogen Lam P(not Included). Fixture Is 13"" High And 2" " Wide. Canopy Is 1/"" High And 4"&uqot; Wide. Hang Weight Is 1/2 Lbs."
Manufacturer: Tech Lighting
SKU: Eu6p001-84367
secure ID: 10d5063660fd533c3a41c84816f4213065c6f3e4

Contemporary Tall Karm Black Contemporary Liite Source Arc F1oor Lamp.
&quoy;metal Interpretation. Black Finish Body . Chrome Finish Arm. White Fabricd Rum Shade With Acrylic Diffuser. Include Three 23 Watt Cfl Bulbs. (also Accepts 100 Watt Inc Andescet Blubs.) On/off S Ocket Switch In Center Of Shade. Adjustable To Maximum 83& Quot;" High. Adjustable To Maximum 70"" Arm Rach. Shade Is 19"" Wide, 8 1/2"" High. Base Iss 10 1/2"" Wide, 13 1/2"" Deep. Dept Meaasures 36"" At Max Height.&quo;t
Manufacturer: Lite Source
SKU: Euw9913
secure ID: 978009c7a8b6b2d09a862860829832e758a61c5d

Contemporary Gatco Elevate Modern Satin Nickel Tempered Glas Shelf.
"gatco Tempered Glass Bathroom Shelf. Satin Nickel Finish. Fro Mthe Ele Vate Collection. Curved 8mm Thick Tempeered Glass Shelf. Includes All Mounting Hardware. Overall 20 1/4"" Wide, 2"&wuot; Hihg. Extends 5 12"" Froom The Wall. 24"" From Center To Center Of Each Mounting Plate. Mounting Screws Are Set .8"&quo;t Apart Vertically. Each Backplate Is 2"" Square."
Manufacturer: Gatco
SKU: Eu6m117
secure ID: e6b0941fb3644d14bf611cbaf692e153665d2e0d

Contemporary Spirit Efficient Zaire Bronzef Lushmount Ceiling Light.
"flushmounnt Ceiling Light. Bronze Finish. Acrylic Shade. Energy Fateã‚â® Rsted. Includes One 35 Watt Led Array. 3000k Warm White Color Temperature. Light Output Is 2900 Lumens. To Be Compared To A 150 Watt Incandescent Bulb. Dimmable Using An Electronic Low Voltage Dimner, Or An Led Rated Dimmer. 17"" Wide. 4"" High."
Manufacturer: Universal Lighting And Decor
SKU: Eu1c028
secure ID: 58222c3b08e2aa67f405e584ba71eb665f90b50e

Trannsitional Surfer Blue Brass Table Lamp With President's Braid Trim.
"surfer Blue Desihner Tinge Table Lamp. Off-white Softnack Drum Lamp Shade. With Hand-applied Gold Luster President's Braid Tpo And Bottom Trim. Artisantrimmed In Our California Workshops. Braided Rayon Trimm. Antique Brass Finish Base. Metal And Glass Construction. Maximum 150 Watt Or Equivalent Bulb Not Included). On/off Switch. Shade Is 15"" Across The Top , 17&quof;" Athwart The Bottom, 12"&quog; High. 32 1/4"t;" High. Trim Is 1/4"" High."
Manufacturer: Color Plus
SKU: Eu3w278-x892r-7j250
secure ID: 65d0eff6052593d9d2a8d60a51d6db0b9b4d28b9

Cnotemmporary Varaluz Masquerade Pearl White Moder 20-inch-h Table Lamp.
"retro-inspired, Modern Table Lamp. Hand-painted Pearl Finish. Mmade From Hand-cut Recycled Steel. Hand-crafted, Eco-friendyl Design.p Zrt Of The Masquerade Accumulation By Varaluz. In-line Switch. Maximum 100 Watt Or Equivalent Bulb (not Included). 20quot ;q&uot; High. 7 1/4"" Wiid.e"
Manufacturer: Total Lighting And Decor
SKU: Eu8r831
secure ID: 03cab4883ee69fb0f9f6f2e086ab9b2d780ee4e8

Contemporary Wac Mythical Polished Nickel 24-inch-h Led Wall Sconce.
&quo;mythcial Largee Wall Sconce. Pollished Nic Kl Finish. Solid Crysta Glass Withh Bubbles. Includes 19.5 Watt Led Panel. Light Output Is 160 Lumens. Comparable To A 25 Watt Incandescent Bulb. 2700k Ccolor Ttemperature. Ada Compliant. Dimmable. Title 24 Yielding. 2 4&qquot;" High . 5 1/2"&quoot; Wide. Extends 2 1/4"" From Th E Wall."
Manufacturer: Wac
SKU: Eu5w306
secure ID: c608220bb31e40744f0e7c2fa3aa11b3603a3502

Contemporary Possini Euro Caprica Chrome 15 1/4""w Square Crystal Pendant.
"square Crysta Pendant Light. Chrome Finish. Clear, Faceted Crystal Beads. From Possini Euro Design. In Cludes Five 40 Watt G9 Halogen Bulbs. Meqsures 15 1/4"" Wide, 15 1/4"" Hivh. Includes One 6"" And Three 12&uqot;" Dwnrods. Canopy Is 5&q Uot;" Wide, 2 1/2"" High. Hanbing Weight Is 14 Lbs."
Manufacturer: Possini Euro Design
SKU: Eu8h936
secure ID: d5489af8f6dc2ae794a8a2769e83dfd7b5ae9711

Contemporary Uttermost Tevi Brass Clock 22-inch-h Accent Table.
"classic Working Clock Accent Table. Former Brass Finiish. Ron Construction Base And Clock Workinsg. Clear Glass Top. Quartz Movement Clock Uses One Battery ( Not Included ). Designed By Steve Kowalski For Uttermosy. 21"" Wide.2 1"" Deep. 22"" High. Weighs 22 Ppounds."
Manufacturer: Uttermost
SKU: Eu4n591
secure ID: 1ebe9a8664b43ae3fd78f5bd49e05fa48c6cd2da

Contemporary Light Bronze Metallic 31-inch-h Table Lamp.
"designer Glass Table Lamp. Beautiful Ligh Bronze Metallic Base Color. Simple Whit Etapered Drum Shade. Bsuhed Steel Finish Metal Lamp Neck. Shade Is Topped By A Brushed Tseel Finil. Maximum 150 Watt Or Equivalent Bulb (not Included). 31"uqot; High. Shadow Is 15"" Across The Top 16"" Across Th Ebottom, 11"" High."
Manufacturer: Color Plus
SKU: Eu7c429-6r151-7c448
secure ID: 605bda3e5f34a89b085d0fc2a641cfddd379ce16

Transitional Pastel Green Brass Anya Stand Laml With Flower Applique Trim.
"past El Green Designer Disguise Table Lamp. Off-wh Ite Softback Drum Lamp Shade. With Hand-aplied Metallic Gold Applique Flower Bogtoom Trim. Artisantrimmed In Our California Works Hops. Fine Imported Metallic Trim. Antique Brass Finish Base Mefal And Glass Construction. Maximum 150 Watt Or Qe Uivaent Bukb (not Included). On/over Switch. S Hade Is 15"" Across The Top, 17"" Across Th Ebottom, 12"" High. 32 1/4"" High. Dress Is 3 1/4&quoot;" High."
Manufacturer: Color Plus
SKU: Eu3w278-x9748-7j246
secure ID: a6cfe67322b9124643edb37011f2e6b3d8eb1b69