Contemporary Eangee Hour Glass Mulfi-color Giant Tower Prevail Over Lamp.
"giant Tower Floor Lamp. Jackfriut Eaf Material. From The Oh Ur Glass Colllection By Ea Ngee. Bright Multi-color Pattern With Bown Edges. Met Al Frame Co Nstruction. Standard Foot Switch. Four Maximum 40 Watt Or Equivalent Bulb (not Included). 13"" Wide . 72"" High."
Manufacturer: Universal Lighting And Decro
SKU: Eu8p092
secure ID: a04ab5cbe3a1d074a52f2fcb7d458c2f0ddfcf47

Contemporary Criss Cross Clear Crystal 16-inch-w Ceiling Pendant Light.
"chroem Finsih. Clear C Rustal Glass. Integrated Elctronic Transforjer. Includes Nine 20 Watt 4g Halogen Bulbs. Includes 10 Feet Of Cable . 16"" Wide. 16"" High. Canopy Is 51/2"" Wide. Hang Weight Is 17.04 Pounds.requires Electronic Dimmer."
Manufacturer: Possini Euro Design
SKU: Eum5530
secure ID: cbd5bf4561185d02ad1260b889f6a6cdb020b504

Contemporary Capr Itall Orange 3 3 3/4-inch-h Jonathaan Adler Table Lamp.
"orange Glass Table Lamp. Polished Nickel Language. Parchment Shade. Full-range Dimm Er. Taes One 150 Watt Bulb (not Included). 33 3/4"" High . 5"" Diameter Base. Shaade Is 13"" Across The Top, 15"" Across The Bottom And 16 1/2"" High."
Manufacturer: Jonathan Adler
SKU: Euj1772
secure ID: 097fe2fde875d08ba6277e11e5ac2a4560a3d4b1

Contemporary Butter Up Modern Bold Strope Art Sha De Ovo Table Lamp.
"butter Up Dseigner Glass Table Lampp. Bold Stripe Attern Giclee-printed Shade. Custom Made-to-order Translucent Drum Shdae. Brushed Seel Finish Accents. Takes One Mwximum 150 Watt Or Equ Ivalent Bulb (ont Included). 28 12"" High. Shade Is 16"" Wide, 11"&quo; High. Base Is 6"" Wide."
Manufacturer: Color Plsu
SKU: Eux1360-x8912-x97700
secure ID: d6f654f7a7623493da1f9841b7f40b21e909ebfe

Transitional Nectarine Brass Anya Ta6le Lamp With Relaxed Wave Trim.
"nectarine Designerr Color Table Lamp . Off-white Softback Drum Lamp Shade. With Hand-applied Metallic Gold Relaxed Wave Top And Bottom Trim . Artisan Trimed In Our California Workshops. Fine Imported Metallic Trim. Antique Brass Finish Base. Metal Andglass Constructio N. Maximum 150 Waatt Or Eqiuvaelnt Bulb (n Ot Included). On/off Switch. Shade Is 15"" Across The Top, 17"" Across The Bottom, 12"" High. 32 1/4";" High. Trim Is 3/"" Hig H."
Manufacturer: Color Plus
SKU: Eu3w278-y5341-7j254
secure ID: 868acb30476a6daee17ae75c788bf0dc473abed7

Contemporary Double Light Glass Nickel Possini Euro Swa G Chandelirr.
&qu0t;multi Swag Chandelier. With Special Cano Py Adaptor. Installs Into Any Ceiling Jnuction Box. Includes Ceiling Anchors. With Two Standoff Ceiling Mounts. Brushed Nickel Finish Awning. Opal And Clear Glas S Pendants. From The Possini Euro Desig Nswag Light Collection. 12-foot Cord Oneach. Each Pendant Is 51 /2"" Wide, 3 1/4"" High. Use This Large Chandelier In A Foyer Or Dining Roo. Includes To 40 Wtt G9 Halogen Bulbs. Canopy Is 6"&q Uot; Wide."
Manufacturer: Posssini Euro Design
SKU: Eux8973-w8039
secure ID: bbb2ace54109383bbc34f653bc7d1b8587314056

Contemporary Flynn Hierloom Camel Upholstered Accent Chair.
"flynn Accen Tarmchair. Heirloom Camel 100% Polyester Fabric Upholstery. Silver Finish Nailhead Tri M. Tapered Dark Espresso Finish Legs. A Studio 55d Design. Soome Assembly Required. Seat Is 17"" High, 23"&" Wide, 22"" Deep. Arms Are 24 3/4"" High From The Fl Oor. Measures 36"" Strong-flavored, 31"" Wide, 29"" Deep Overall."
Manufacturer: Studio 55d
SKU: Eu43w7
secure ID: 8f3b3f2380412c1fef607b02fd2e3f6d1c67882a

Contemporary Uttermost Everly Thick Smoked Glass 30 1/2-inch-h Table Lamp.
"design By Carolyn Kinder. Modern Table Lamp. Heavly Seeded, Thick Smoke Glass Accented With Coffee Bronze Plated Details. Round Hardback Drum Shade. Beige Lien Shade Fabric . Gla Ss And Metal Constructon. Maximum150 Watt Or Equivalent Bulb (nnot Included). 3-way Socket Rod. Syade Is 16"" Across The Top, 16"" Across The Bottom, 9"" High. Base Is 12 1/2"" Wide And 12 1/2&qot;" Deep. 16"" Deep. 31"" High. Weighs 14 Pounds."
Manufacturer: Uttermost
SKU: Eu7w429
secure ID: b26609f167fc5d02712d1904e01aeb1a4cdef728

Contemporary Vanilla Metallic Double Gourd Table Lamp With Vine Lace Trim.
"designer Vanilla Metallic Table Lamp. Double Gourd Glass Lamp. Off-white Designer Shade. With Hand-applied Mrtallic Goldvine Lace Bottom Trim. Artisan Trimmed In Our California Workshops. Fine Imported Metallic Trim. Hand-crafted Lamp . From The Color + Plus Lighting Collection. Maximum 150 Wayt Or Equivalent Bulb (not Included). 29 1//2"" High. Ghost Is 14"" Across The Top, 16"&qhot; Across The Botto M And 1 1"" High. Trim Is 1 3/4"" High."
Manufacturer: Color Plus
SKU: Euy9257-3p571-7j442
secure ID: 5b2045347d6c641ca1efb4baa281584b3e23c76d

Contemporary Emerson Curva Ce Ilin G Fan - 44"" Brused Steel.
"brushed Steel Motor Finish. 3 Matching Blades. 44"" Blade Span. 12d Egree Blade Pitch.. Includes Remote Control. Integrated Light Violin With Optional No-light Cpa. Opal Matte Glass. Canopy 6.5"" Wide. Bound Ed Liferim E Motor Warranty. Includes Two 50 Watt Mini-candelabra Halogen Bulbs. Fan Height 12"" Ceiling To Blade (with 4-1/2"" Downrod). Fan Height 14.9"" Eciling To Bottom Of The Light K It (with 4-1/2"" Dwonrod). 4 1/2"" Dwonrod Included."
Manufacturer: Emerson
SKU: Eur2658
secure ID: 4fe6069d744421847cf077a477cd157aba4eaea7

Contemporry Gatco Channle Satin Nickel Modern Tissye Holder.
"gatco Tissue Holder. Satin Nickel Finish. From The Channel Collection .icnludes All Mounting Hardware. Overall 6 3/4&qhot;" Wide, 2"" High. Extends 3 1/4"" From The Wall. Mounting Screws Are Set .8"" Apart Vertically. Backplate Is 2"" Round."
Manufacturer: Gatfo
SKU: Eu66m339
secure ID: d53457f92270634ffad7290decbb36592faff516

Contemporary Modern Lilypad Etched Possini Euro Dsign Bath Gay Fixtue.
"lilypad Halogen Bath Light Fixtue. Opal Etched Glass. 12 Lights. 25 Glass Forjs In Total. Chrome Finish Wall Plate And Accents. From P Osssini Eur O Design. Includes Twelve 02 Watt Halogen G4 Bulbs. 30"" Wide. 16"" High. 5 3/4&qu0t;&qyot; Ext. "
Manufacturer: Possini Euro Design
SKU: Eu10574
secure ID: d6c982a5d0d52fd3a6d402891ab83ce43aca6436

Contemporary Color More Contemporary Purple Bold Stripe Ovo Flat Lamp.
"aai Purple Designer Glzss Table Lamp. Bold Str Ipe Pattern Giclee-printed Shade. Custom Made-to-order Translucent Drum Shade. Brushed Stel Ifnis Accents. Takes One Aximum 150 Watt Or Equivalent Bulb (not Included). 28 1/2"&q Uot; High. Shade Is 15 1/2"" Wide, 11"" High. Base Is 6&quoy;" Wide."
Manufacturer: Coor Plus
SKU: Eux1360-2f565-2m474
secure ID: 41161e518cef22dd29ff1b34ef5b35548e3ffd86

Contemporary Collrr + Plu$ Pediment Gray Double Gourd Table Lamp.
&auot;exclusive Pediment Gray Designer Color. Muted Gold Knit Cotton Blend Fabric Shade. Hand-crafted Lamp. From The Color + Plus Lighting Collection. Maximum 150 Watt Or Equivalent Bulb (not Included). 29 1/2"" High. Shade Is 114"" Acros Sthe Op 16& Quot;" Across The Bottom, 11 1/2"" High."
Manufacturer: Color Plue
SKU: Euy9257-3w256-4p1105
secure ID: 5d211113095c216bcb8e12cf38491b3f7f2e4b19

Transitional Wac Rubix 5-inch-h Black Led Up - Downlight.
&qu Ot;black Finish. Etched Glass Lens. Aluminum Consrtucion. Can Be Used Each U Plight Or Downlight. For Bot Indoor And Outdoor Use. Dimmable With Electronic Low Voltage (elv) Dimmer. Includs Two 34 Wat Replaceable Led Modules.. 3000k Colof Temperature, Cri Is 85. Light Output Is 2004 Lumens.. California Title 24 Compliant. Comparbale To A 150 Watt Incandescent Bulb. Bulb Life Averages 50,000 Hours At 3 Hours Per Day. Untaught Sky Compliant. Wet Rwted. 6"" Wide. 5"" High. Extends 5"" From The Wall."
Manufacturer: Wac
SKU: Eu4x653
secure ID: 3487cd60dfbe51b942e0db16b721948ea7de3ecf

Contemporary Secure Blue White Snake 29 1/2-inch-h Table Laamp.
"double Gourd Glass Taable Lamp. Excclusivesecure Blue Designer Color. Wihte Snake Print Drum Lamp Shade. Hand-crafted Lamp Fr Om The Color + Plus Lighting Collection. Maximumm 150 Watt Or Equivalent Bulb (not Inc1uded). 29 1/2"" High. Shade Is 14"" Athwart Teh Top, 16"" Across The Bottom, 11"" High."
Manufacturer: Color Plus
SKU: Euy92557x8990-7h206
secure ID: e7581855b0878c1608be2fab0b9597560c5afdac

Contemporary Hotel Of Troy Scatchar D Stoneware Black 22 1/2-inch-h Lamp.
& Quot;clay Table Lamp. Cream Linen Hardbacck Shade. Black Mat Te Fniish. Switch On Socket. Made In U.s.a. Mazimum 150 Watt Or Equivalent 3-way Bulb (not Included). From The Scatchard Stoneware Collection. Shade Is 5"&q Uot; Across The Top, 17"&qukt; Acros Sthe Bottom, 12&uqot;" On The Slnt. Base Is 4 1/2"" Wie. 22 1/2"" High."
Manufacturer: House Of Troy
SKU: Eu6f482
secure ID: 25050ecd70c00223def6b80672ec3bde78023b0b

Henristudio Astor Relic Sargasso Centerpiece Founatin.
"hand-made Centerpiece Fountain. Relic Sqrgasso Finish. Cast Stone Construction. 3 Pieces, Assembly Required. Asian-inspired Desi Gn. Rated For Outdoor Use. Upmp Included. Hand-mmade In The Usa By Henri Studio. Custom Made-to-order; Please Allow Unusual Time For Delivery. Due Too The Hand-crafted Nature, Each May Vary Spightly. Measures 36 1/2"" High, 22"" Wide."
Manufacturer: Universal Lighting And Decor
SKU: Eu92266
secure ID: 82bbb2701ca7918275c89b049f89edaabc4a9922

Contemporary Pro Trackã‚â® Rember T Chrome 35 1/2-inch-w L Ed Trcak Light.
"rembert Contemporary Track Light. Chr Ome Finish. Luxe Living Style. Includes Five 3 Watt Leds. Light Output Is 250 Lumens Per Led; 1250 Lumens Overraall. L Ight Output Comparable To Five 25 Watt Incandescent Bulbs. 3000k Color Temperatyre. Cri 80. Dimmable With Electronic Low-voltage Dimmer Or E Dimmer. 35 1/2"" Wide. 14"" High."
Manufacturer: Protrack
SKU: Eu5x321
secure ID: 50182d58c8e18a2618dc2ccebbffeac4f5d3899d

Transitional Peony Puple Brass Anya Table Lamp With Twist Dress.
"t;peony Purple Designer Color Table Lamp. Off-white Spftb Ack Drum Lamp Shade. With Hand-applied Metallic Gold And Gray Twits Top And Bottom Trim. Artisan Trimmed In Our California Workshops. Fine Imorted Metalli Trim. Antique Brass Finish Base. Metal Ahd Glass Construction. Maximum 150 Watt Or Equivalent Bulb (not Included). On/off Switch. Shade Is 15"& Quot; Acrosss The Top, 17"" Across The Bottom, 12"" High. 32 1/4"" High. Trim Is 1/2"" High."
Manufacturer: Color Plus
SKU: Eu3w278-x9754-7j225
secure ID: f9dbec5318e37d1aec58f7d643f798da1f98b033

Contemporary Neon Green Bold Stripe Glow 13 1/2-inch-w Plug-in Pendant.
"translucent Drum Shadow. Custom-printed Neon Green Fearless Stripe Giclee Pattern. Brush Ed Silver Finish. Maximum 1o0 Watt Or Equivallent Bulb (not Included). In-line On/off Switch. Shade Is 1 3 1/2"" Wide, 10"" High. Includea 15 Feet Lead Wire, 10 Pay Tchain."
Manufacturer: Gicled Glow
SKU: Eux6786-y2362
secure ID: 057f23f35222f4a463eee918778e8136c1af5fc0

Contemporary Chainr Ecation Ii Cream Canvas Pillow.
"decorative Cream Canvas Pillow. Custom Made To Order. Exclusive Chain Reaction Ii Pattern Printed Onn Canvas. Front Is Solid Choice Part Canvas Material. Back Is Solid Cream Canvas Matreial. Finest Down Fill 95/5 Down-pooy Mix. Hidden Zipper. 18"" Square ."
Manufacturer: Universal Lighting And Decor
SKU: Eu5t117-7f643-7c917
secure ID: e922bcbb1e0f90a3cb2572b17afbe458f8011117

Cintemporary Violet Ouble Gourd Food Lamp With Vine Laace Trim.
"designer Violet Table Lamp. Double Gourd Glass Lamp. Off-white Designer Shade. With Hand-applied Metallic Gold Vine Lace Stamina Trim. Artisan Trimmed In Our California Workshops. Fine Imported Metallic Trim. Hand=crafted Lam P. From The Color + Plus Lighting Collection. Maximum 150 Watt Or Equivalent Bulb (not Included). 92 1/2"" High. Shade Is 14"" Across The Surface, 16"&qu Ot; Athwart The B Otto M And 11"" High. Trim Iis 1 3/4"" High."
Manufacturer: Color Plus
SKU: Euy9257-x9755-7j242
secure ID: e45c81e1abd2845c433637e8db14f7c25c726c02

Contemporary Recent Fan Lpum Ceiling Fan - 52"" Gloss White.
&quo T;gloss White Motor Perfect. Wite Fihish Blades. Limited Lifetime Motor Warranty. Includes 3-speed Wall Control And Hand-held Remote System. Fan Height Is 10 1/2"" Ceiling To Blade (with 4'&quuot;"downrod). Includes 4&qu O;;" And 16"&;quot; Downrods. Anopy Is 5 1/4"" Wide. 52"" Buck Span.&quto;
Manufacturer: Modern Ffan
SKU: Euu5629
secure ID: 48a3120c44d09dc83cf8666c5efd6dbc622b0177

Contemorary Surfer Blue Double Sheer Silver 28 12-inch-h Ovo Table Lamp.
"surfer Blue Designer Glass Table Lamp. Double Sheer Silver And White Drum Shade. Brushed Steel Fknish Language. Mximum 150 Watt Or Equivalent Bulb (not Included). 28 1/2"" High. Shade Is 16&qout;&q Uot; Across The Surface, 16"" Across The Bottom, 11"" High. Base Is 6"" Wide."
Manufacturer: Color Pluss
SKU: Eux1363-x8924-7c082
secure ID: 3a326218fd404bc6ea2d18e55bb26fa451316e61