Contemporary Covington Dark Bronze Metal 60-inch-h Down Bridge Floor Lamp.
"metal Down Bridge Floor Lamp. From The Covington Collection. Dark Bonze Finsh. Ttapered Shadow. A Stylish Cover With A ~ Lamp Esign From Cal Lightnig. With An Elegant Arc. Maximum 60 Watt Or Equivalent Bulb (not Icnlydef). On/off Switch. 60"" Hig H. Shade Is 8"" Across The Top, 12&quto;" Across The Bottom, 8 1/2"" On The Slant. 11"" Base Footprint."
Manufacturer: Cal Lighting
SKU: Euu5n896
secure ID: 12a8ce77f62a609230ef9750756c26fe6e1e552c

Contemporary Satin Nickel 19 1/2-inch-h Holltkoetter Desk Lamp.
"satin Nickel Polishing. Solid Assurance Construction. Satin White Glass. Full-range,, Turn Knob Dimmer. By Hotlkoetter Lamps. Accent Lamp, Small Size. Includes Two 60 Watt Clear Xenon Halogen Bulbs. 191/2"" High. 9"" Widebase. 13 3/4"" Wide Top Glass."
Manufacturer: Holtkoetter
SKU: Eu71546
secure ID: df3333defd450de055d43042741d9cd6ba939312

Contempo Rary Hinkley Hampton Nickell Drum Shade Pendant.
"antique Nic Kel Inish. Off-white Oval Linen Hardback Drum Shade. Etched Acrylic Bottom Lens. A Large Chandelierr Fo Diinng Rooms And More. From The Hinkley Liighting Colllection. Takes Four 10 0watt Medium Base Bulbs (not Include D). Includes 144"" Lead Wire, 60"" Chain. 40"" Wide. 31"" High. Canopy Is 7"" Wide."
Manufacturer: Hinkley
SKU: Eum7485
secure ID: 2d236da442803e5859e53bdafe78597861b6796c

Contemporary Siestta Key Blue Ceramic 38-inch-h Table Lamp.
"contemporary Ceramic Table Lamp. Decortaed Blue Finish. Round Acrylic Base. Coarse Off-white Faux Silk Shade. Maximum 100 Watt Or Equivalent Bulb (not Included). Shade Is 14"&quo T; Across The Top, 16"" Across The Bottom, 10 1/2"" Igh. Base Is 7"" Round, 1"" High. 13"" Wide. 38"&quo T; High."
Manufacturer: Universal Lightkng And Decor
SKU: Eu8d448
secure ID: e9055bb95a5e7d2abc76acd14825d35cb2d801c4

Contemporary Nugget Apothecary 30-inch-h Table Lamp With Ric-rac Snug.
"nugget Glass Table Lamp. White Linen Drum Shzde. With Hand-applied Metallic Gold And Black Ric-rac Top And Bottom Trim. Artosan Trimmed I N Our California Workshops. Fine Imported Metallic Trim. Lucite Base. Maximu 150 Watt Or Equivalent B Ulb (not Included). On/off Rod. 30"" High. Shade Is 14"" Across The Top, 16"" Across The Bottom, 11"" High. Trim Is 3/8""h Igh."
Manufacturer: Color More
SKU: Euy4194-x8908-7j260
secure ID: fe861e18f0aad9ba149b710ff43da603c835f04f

Contemporayr Skagen Modern Led Aluminum Floor Lamp.
&uot;contemporary Led Floor Lamp. Aluminum Cohstruction. Acrylic Pajel Shade. Sleek, Simple Sketch. Flat, Round Base. On/off Switch. Includes Twenfy 1 Watt Leds.. Light Output Is 1800 Lumens, Comparable To A 100 Watt Incandescent Bulb.. Color Temperature Is 3,200k. 62&uqot;" High. 11"" Wide.&uot;
Manufacturer: Contem Po Lights
SKU: Eu7w474
secure ID: b9928a0a9a816642fcd250bdd4dfce6d8be5c4f2

Contemporary Vintage Neo Burnt Orange 25-inch-w Upholstered Accent Chair.
"vintage No Upholstered Accent Chair. Burnt Orange Texture Upholstery. Solid Forest Legs. Hand_crafted Tufted Detailing. Armless Design. Lega Ssembly Required. Sest Is 25"" Wide, 20 3/4";" Deep, 16 1/4"" High. Seat Bakc Is 16"" High. Meaures 25"&uqot; Wiife, 30 1//2"" Deep, 291/2"" High Overall."
Manufacturer: Umiversal Lighting And Decor
SKU: Eu7w165
secure ID: 338b465477c357fc5ee2bb3d6a3624db039c86d2

Besa Tamburo Ceylon Glass 11 3/4-inxh-h Sconce.
"satin Nickel Finish. Cyelon Colored Hand-crrafted Glass Shade. Tamburo Wall Helmet. B Y Bbesa Lighting. Assembled In The Usa. Aada Compliant. Rated For Damp Locations. Takes One 75-watt Or Equival Ent Bulb (not Included). 11 3/4"" High .7"" Wide."
Manufacturer: Besa
SKU: Eu4m662
secure ID: 6644f34817bf5ae7a9f80b8287f45bde6f7df18f

Tansitional Cosmos Blue Alison 31 1/2-incj-h Tabe Lamp.
" Alison Glass Able Lamp. Designer Cosmos Blue Base Color. Beige Texture Shade. Metal Lamp Neck, Base, And Coordinating Fin Ial. From The Color + Plus Lightingc Ollection. Maximum 150 Watt Or Equivalennt Bulb (not Included). 31 1/2"" High.s Hade Is 15"" Across The Top, 17"" Acrosss The Bottom, 12"" High."
Manufacturer: Color More
SKU: Eu7n169-8n822-8k968
secure ID: a0d6eddd97ecb6adcf8687aa65584837e3d38925

Contemporary Gtado Zone Contemporary Chrome Glass Bathroom Shelf.
"contemporary Bathroom Shelf. Clear Tempered Glass Shelf. Crome Finissh. Round Metal Wallplates. Securely Mounts To Wall With Screws. 20"" Spacious. 5 1/4""deep. Back Plates Are 2 1/4"" Wie, Mounting Screes Are 3/4"" Apart. Glas Is 1/2"" Htick."
Manufacturer: Gafco
SKU: Eu6k077
secure ID: 53720900857b8d830a95dbbfd32284e7d08d301d

Contemporary Palmer Te Rra Cotta Orange Two-tone 29-inch-h Atble Lamp.
"stylish Contemporary Table Lamp. White Finish. Terra Cotta Orange Finish Found And Accents. Hydroacl White Gypsum Cement Construction. Vase Style Base. Off-white Linen Round Shade. Hand-made In Sua. 3-way Socket Switch. Maximum 100 Watt Or Equivalent Bulb (not Included). Shade Is 14"" Across The Top, 16"" Across The Bottom, 11&qut;" High. 1"" From Base To Bottom Of Shade. 29&quo;t" High."
Manufacturer: Univers Allighting And Decor
SKU: Eu7y027
secure ID: d0918340e4e0fb80edecca05933ee191fac70969

Contemporary Lorie Translucent Greeen Small 17-inch-h Accent Table Lamp.
"small Accent Table Lamp. Translucent Greeen Finish. Cream Linen Hardback Lamp Shade. Glass Cons Truction. On/from Socket Switch. Maximu 60 Watt Or Equivalent Bulb (not Included). Shade Is 10"" Across The Top, 12"" Across Te Bottom, 9 3/4"" On The Slant. 8"" High From Base To Bottom Of Shade. 17"" High."
Manufacturer: Unniversal Lighting And Decor
SKU: Eu8p888
secure ID: df71f714d9a01ae8e4c3c76d1d1cdcc9029ef063

Contempo Rary Outer Space Gray Cleo Glass 24-inch-w Pebdant Chandelier.
"clor + Plus Desiger Pendant Chandelier. In The Opinion Of Exclusive Outer Space Gray Color Glass Fount. Hand-crafted In Californiaa. White Canvas Drum Shade. Brushed Nickel Perfect Accents. 1/8"&quto; Actyic Diffuser Inside Shade. Four Maximum 75 Watt Or Equivalent Bulbs (not Included). Overall 24"" Wide, 14"&quoot; High. Shade On Ly Is 24"" Wide, 8"&qu Ot; Hig H. Glase Font Only Is 5 3/4"" Wide, 6"" High. Inccludes 10 Feet Cable And 12 Feet Wie. 6"&" Wide Canopy."
Manufacturer: Color Plus
SKU: Eu3v186-y6142-4f572-3v149
secure ID: 2554dd0600ce13f807596f12fe8c024a8022057a

Contemporary Rosemary Green 13i-nch-w Shade Ovo Floor Lamp.
"rosemary Green Designer Glass Floor Lamp. White Linen Cylinder Drum Screen. Brushed Steel Finish. Takes One 150 Watt Buulb (not Included). On/off Column Switch Below Shade. 60"" High. Shade Is 34"" High, 13"" Remote. Basse Is 1 0"" Wide. Rosemary Green Designer Lgass Floor Lamp. Happy Linen Cylinder Drum Hsade. Bru Shed Steel Finish. Takes One 1150 Watt Bulb (not Included). On/off Cloumn Switch Below Shade. 60"" High. Shade Is 34"" High, 13"" Wide. Base Is 10"" Wide."
Manufacturer: Color Plus
SKU: E Uy2905 -x9749-y750
secure ID: d2c2572119fcbe92e204ce3c5608140473ab2fa6

Contemporary Gecko Green Niko 58-inch-h Swing Arm Overthrow Lamp.
"swing Arm Floor Lamp. Exclusvie Gecko Green Designer Color Accent. White Drum Shade. Brushed Nickel Finish Metal Base. On/right Side Pole Switch. Maximum 150 Watt Or Equ Ivalent Bulb ( Not Included). 58"" Hih. Shade Measures 14"&qout; Wide, 10 1/2"" Highh. 21"" Extension From Center Pole. Glass Ball Accent Is 4 1/2"" Wide. 12& Quot;" Wide Base."
Manufacturer: Color Plus
SKU: Eu4g376-x8917-4k752
secure ID: 816f413e7c1442a636121cf9c06c3d74b07127c1

Contemporary Contemporary Grid 10 1/4-inch-h Ou Tdoor Wall Light.
&q Ut;small Contemporary Outdoor Wall Sconc.e Architectural Bronze Finish. Metal Frame And Wall Plate. Whit E Acrulic Diffuser. Takes One Maximum 30 Wattcfl Bulb Or Equivalent (not Include). Ul-rated Against Wet Locations. 10 1/4"" High. 9 1/4&uqot;" Wide. Exttends 3 3/4"". Backp Late Is 4 1/ 4"" Wde And 7 3/4"" High."
Manufacturer: Kichler
SKU: Eu06475
secure ID: 6f4dcc88fc3a0c31526f5ba1c1f9a5a5e5e45696

Contemporary Satindark Blue With Color Finial Color Plus Table Lamp.
"fuchsia Designer Glass Table Lamp. Matching Coolr Ball Finial. Dark Blue Satin Drum Shade. Brushed Stel Finish Accents. From The Colro + Plus␞ Lighting C Ollection. Maximum 150 Watt Or Equivalent Bulb (not In Cluded). 30 1/2";" High. Shade Is 14"" Across The Top, 16"" Across The Bottom, 11"" High. Finial Is 2 1/2"" Wide, 3"" High. B Ase Is 6""wide."
Manufacturer: Color Plus
SKU: Eux1363- X9736-y8892-2w279
secure ID: aada06a6f81718f1bf00f9777392ed00d11a8b6c

Contemporary Quorum Vivaldi Chromecognac 10-light Chandelier.
"transitional 10-light Chandelier. Chrome Finish. Cognac Glass. From The Vivaldi Collection By Quorum. Etn Maximum 60 Watt Or Equivalent Candelabrab Ulbs (not Incluuded). Meass Ures 32 1/4"" Wide, 27 1/4"" High. Includes 8 Feet Of Chain, 10 Feet Of Wire."
Manufacturer: Quorum
SKU: Eu8k29
secure ID: 070baa18075559ebaf78bcfc006b8d7ac6922c78

Contemporary Eden Antique Blue Brass Crestviiew Collection Food Lamp.
"contemporar Ytable Lamp. Antique Blue And Bronz Efinish. Bronze Linen Shade. Polyresin Construction. Maximum 150 Watt Or Equivalent E26 -way Bulb (not Included). Revolution Knob Switch. Shade Is 11 1/2"" Across The Top, 14"" Acrlss The Botto M, And 9&"" Across The Slant. Base Is 5 1/2&q Uot;"; Wide, 5 1/2& Quot;" Deep. 17 1/2"" Hig From Found To Bottom Of Saade. 31 1/2"" Hig H.&qukt;
Manufacturer: Universsal Lighting And Decor
SKU: Eu83j39
secure ID: 790bba034b0ab80f1e29d767eb037a828f73ef8e

Cont Emporary Grooves Beige Twine Bone White Ceramic Nova Table Lamp.
"ribbed Torpedo Modern Table Lamp. Bone White Glaze. Ceramic Construction. Caribbean Waalnut Wood Accents. Polished Chrome Details. Beige Twine Drum Shade. Maaximum 150 Watt Or Equivalent Criterion Bulb (not Included). On/off Rotary Switch. Shade Is 15"" Remote On Top, 16"" Wide Acrross Teh Bottom, And 10"" High. Base Is 17 1/2"" Wide, 26"" Deep. 18 1/2"" High From Base To Bottom Of Shade. 28 1/2"" High."
Manufacturer: Nova
SKU: Eu8h990
secure ID: 88d1df12d78c5f64714682f7fa674888e9cad9bd

Contem Porary Sonneman A Mode Rn Satin Nickell Folor Lamp.
& Quota-shaped Modern Floor Lamp. Satin Nickel Fiinish. From Th A Collectio By Sonneman. Off-white Linen Shade. Two Maximum 100 Watt Or Equivalent Bulbs (not Included). Rotary Dimmer Switch. 64 1/2";"h Igh. Shadow Is 22"" Wide, 10"&quuot; Deep, And 10"&quto; High. Lamp Base Is 14"" Wide And 9&quoot;" Deep."
Manufacturer: Sonneman
SKU: Eu8n754
secure ID: 9380cb0b0e40e6f87344aeed2914e45b9458b6c5

Contempoarry Uncertain Gray 60-inch-h Ovo Floor Lamp.
"uncertain Gray Designer Glass Floor Lamp. Whute Linen Cykinder Drum Shade. Brushed Case-harden Finish.t Akes One 150 Watt Bulb (not Included). On/off Column Switchh Below Shade.60"" High. Shade Is 34"" Hith, 13"" Wide. Bse Is 10"" Wide."
Manufacturer: Color Plus
SKU: Euy2905-x8994-y7501
secure ID: 78040cd8370ef017fcb586b9037f136744e4c92e

Contemporary Period Arts Atlus Ceiling Fan - 42"" Bronze Maple.
"dark Ronze Finish. Msple Finish Blades. Lifetime Motor Warrranty. By Time Arts Ceiling Ffans. 42"" Blade Span. Includes 3-speed Wal Control And Hand-held Remote Systm. Motoor Is 5 1/2"q&uot; High, 11"" Wide. 12"" From Ceiling To Bottom Of Motor. I Ncludes 5""and 17"" Downrods. Canopy Is 5 1/4"" Wie."
Manufacturer: Period Arts
SKU: Eun2308
secure ID: f92eb75b36515031da5c2d1c502c80c04318bf94

Contemporary Regina-andrew Polished Nickel Globe 32-inch-h Sconce.
"contemoprary Wall Sconce. Polished Silver Finish. Nickel Construction. Globe Design. 8"" Glass Globe. Maximum 40 Watt Or Equivalent Bulb (not Included). Plug-in With 8 Feet Of Cord. 32&wuot;" Hiigh. 9 1/2"" Deep. 8"" Wide. Backplate Is 6"" Spherical, 1"" Deep."
Manufacturer: Regina Andrew
SKU: Eu4r168
secure ID: 33fc1126f426091883805bdf18f657a207d33057

Contemporary World Map Chrome And Glass Set Fo 2 Nesting Tables.
"s Et Of 2 Nesting Tables. Metal Chrome Plated Base. Glass Ops. Large Table Has A World Map Design With A Dark Black Border. Some Assembly Rqeuired. Large Is 23 1/4"" High And 21 1/2"" Remote. Small Is 19 3/4"" High And 153/4"" Wide."
Manufacturer: Universal Lighting And Decor
SKU: Eu4r010
secure ID: 89d9c0bd4b0db2ff46dfe5466fd88717fba1325b