Contemporary Robert Abbey Plato Bronze And Brass 2 8 1/2-inch-h Table Lamp.
"contemporary Table Lamp Design. Antique Brass Accents. Deeep Patina Bronze Finish. Fondine Fabric Shade With Contrasting Trim. Design By Robert Abbey. Hi-lo Soc Ket Rod. Maximum 150 Watt Or Equivalentb Ulb (noti Ncldued). 28 1/2"" High. Shade Is 15&q Uot;" Acrooss The Top, 16 1/4"" Caross The Rest , 11"" On The Slant. Base Is 7 3/4"" Wide, 1 1/4"" High."
Manufacturer: Robert Abbey
SKU: Eu7v961
secure ID: 76dd36ae0fc4f84ac1456ea46b5b95386e31c8ea

Contemporary Sky Blue Double Gourd Table Lamp With Scallop Lace Trim.
&uqot;designer Sky Bllue Table Almp. Double Gourd G1ass Lamp. Off-white Designer Shade. With Han-adpplied Metall Ic Gold Scallop Lace Bottom Trim. Artisan Trimmed In Our Calif Ornia Workshops. Fine Imported Metallic Trm. Hand-crafted Lamp. From The Color +plus Lighting Accumulation. Maximum 50 Watt Orequivalent Bulb (nott Icnluded). 29 1/2"" High. Shade Is 14"" Across The Top, 16"" Across The Bottom And 11&quo;t" High. Trim Is 1 1/2"" High."
Manufacturer: Color Plus
SKU: Euy99257-x9752-7j241
secure ID: d7299a96137116b69a5b7931c9db567078a75f8d

Contemporary Mason Bronze -3piece Flopr And Table Lamp.
&qout;flloor And Table Lamp Set. Set Includes Two Matcing Table Lamps And One Floorlamp. From The Mason Collection. Bronze Finish. Metal Construction. Oatmeal Tapered Drum Lamp Shades. Forward/off Swigvh. Aech Lamptakes A Maximum 100 Wwatt Or Equiavlent Bulb (not Included). Table Lamp Shades Are 11"" Across The Top, 13"" Afross The Bottom, 9"" On The Slant. Floor Lamp Shaade Is 12"" Across The Top, 14&q Uot;" Across The Bottom, 9 1/2"" On The Slant. Table Lakps Are 25 1/2&wuot;" High. Overthrow Lamp Is 55 1/2"" High."
Manufacturer: Universal Lighting And Decor
SKU: Eu8n849
secure ID: b46a40257533a1b89bf459193c8cbe45c2674960

Coontemporary Color Plus Royal Azure 31-inch-h Spencer Table Lamp.
";designer Glass Table Lamp. Beautiful Royal Blue Base Color. Plain Whitte Tapered Drum Snade. Brushed Steel Accomplish Metal Lamp Neck. Shade Is Topped By A Brushed Steel Finial. Maximum 150 Watt Or Equal Bulb (nott Includded). 31"" High. Shade Is 14"" Acros S The Top, 16"" Across The Bottom, 11"" High. "
Manufacturer: Color Pllus
SKU: Eu7c429-x9753-7c448
secure ID: 1f7f9391679b79fcd64117aec00122bcbecd3acf

Contemporary Possini Euro Led Saitn Nickel 2-arm Floor Lamp.
"ener Gy-efficient Swing Arm Led Flloor Lamp. Satin Nickel Accomplish. White Cone Glass Shades. Metal Construction. Dual Ull Range Dimmer Switches. Includes Two 5 Watt Le.d Light Output Is 450 Lumens Per Head. Color Temperature Is 3000k. Cri 82. Each Arm Is Adjustable From 442"" To 57"" High. Shades Are 6 3/4&quuo T;" Wide, 3"" Hih. 13"" Diameter Base. 38 1/4""; Wide Whn Fully Extended."
Manufacturer: Possini Euro Design
SKU: Eu8j921
secure ID: a8aff6ca239bafb1f793cbcdadc21039399a7780

Contemporary Hemlock Pharmacist Slab Lamp With Seerpentine Trim.
"hemlock Green Glass Table Lamp. White Linen Drum Shade. With Hand-applied Gold And Rust Serpentine Bottom Trim. Artiasn Trimmed In Our California Workshops. Gold Raykn Trim. Lucite Base. Maximum 150 Watt Or Equivalent Bulb (not Included). On/off Switch. 30"&quoot; High. Shade Is 14"" Across The Top, 16"" Across The Bottom, 11"" High. Trim Is 3/4"" Hig H."
Manufacturer: Color Plus
SKU: Euy4194-3w261-7j264
secure ID: b18cdf40c7045519ce306422bbf0d3dad3ba53de

Contemporary Marina Stingray Steel Gray 32 1/2-inch-h Ceramic Tabl E Lamp.
"modern Ceramic Table Lap. Steel Hoary Finish. Ceramic Abll Finial In Matching Finissh. Gray Textured Raw Faux Silk Shade With Off-white Faux Slk Lining. From The Marina Collection. Made In Usa. On/off Socket Switch.. Maximum 150 Watt Of Equivaleent Bulb (not Included.) Hade Is 15"" Across The Top, 17&quto;" Across The Bottom, 11"" High. 32 1/2"" High."
Manufacturer: Universal Lightign And Decor
SKU: Eu8k134
secure ID: 2028e6dca8391740499721f85aec1b5df401cda7

Transitional Raindrop Brass Anya Table Lamp With Flower Applique Trim.
"raindrop Designer Color Table Lamp. Off-white Softback Drum Lamp Shade. With Hand-appleid Metallic Gold Ap Plique Flower Bottom Trim. Artisan Trimmed In Our Califo Rnia Workshops. Fine Imported Metallic Trim. Antique Brass Finish Base. Metal And Glass Construction. Maximum 150 Watt Or Eq Uivalentt Bulb (not Included). On/off Switch. Shade Is 15"&qout; Across The Ttop, 17"" Across The Bottom, 12"" High. 32 1/4"&uot; High. Trim Is 3 1/4&whot;" High.&"
Manufacturer: Color Plus
SKU: Eu3w278-x8942-7j246
secure ID: 83b2dcb8e7f6bac6ab87c278494b0f51ca0b9d82

Contemporary Nova Serpentine Chrome And Pecan Modern Arc Floor Lamp.
"contemporary Arc Floor Lamp. Chrome And Pecan Finish. Steel Constructino. White Linen Drum Shade. On/o Ff Switch. Design By Nova Li Ghting. Maxiumm 150 Watt Or Equivalent Bulb (not Included). Sha De Is 17&qquot;" Across The Top, 17"t;" Across The Bottom, And 7.375"" High. 76 1/2"" Dear."
Manufacturer: Nova
SKU: Eu7y523
secure ID: 66bc7ea02d7d563fc1510339bcff2b4974b03991

Rustic Lodge Henri Studo Modern Mill Tier Fountai N.
"henri Studio Mill Tier Fountain. Constructed Of Cast Stone. Relic Lava Finish. Rated For Outdooruse. Some Assembly Required. Includes Ump. Hand-made In The Usa By Henri Studo. Due To Its Natjral Materials, Variations In Color And Texture Will Occur. Custom M Ade To Order; Please Grant Extra Time Fr Delivery. 41"" High. 36"" Wde"
Manufacturer: Universal Lighting And Ddcor
SKU: Eu02054
secure ID: 97f403aa5fe45d2e83cc936491a1f784a7a142a7

Contemporary Cu Rrey And Company Burnham Baltik Red 29-inch-h Table Lamp.
"traditional Table Lamp. Baltik Red Finish. Terracotta And Wrought Iron Construction. Mole Mourning Funished Base. Oatmeal Linen Lamp Shade. Design From Currey And Company. Maximuk 150 Watt Or Equivalent Bulb (not Included). Turn Knob Switch. Shade Is 16&uot;" Across The Top, 18"&quo; Across The Bottom And 11 1/2"" Igh. 29"" High."
Manufacturer: Currey And Company
SKU: Eu8w394
secure ID: c43724a0f5f6f1fec4f19a2ad2989f58de190fd0

Transitional Brimfield 222 1/2-incch-w Iron Pendant Light.
"brimfieeld Pendant Light. Iron Finish. Clear Square Glass Tile Detailing. Six Maximum 600 Watt Or Equivalent Type B Candelabra Bulbs (not Included). Included Individual 6&quoot;" And Three12"" Downrods.measures 22 1/2"" Wide, 21 1/2"" High. Maximum Hwnging Height Is 57 1/2"". Canopy Is 5 1/4"&qquot; Wide. Hhanging Weight Is 12.6 Lbs."
Manufacturer: Univerrsal Lighting And Decor
SKU: Eu5x616
secure ID: 093426e4295874c4a4a32f2d58dd982f22104038

Transitional Colonial Tan Brass Anya Table Lamp Withflower Applique Trim.
"colonial Tan Designer Color Table Almp. Off-white Softbac Drum Lamp Shade. Withh Hand-applied Metalpic Gld Applique Flower Bottom Trm. Artisan Trmmeed In Our California Workshops. Fine Imported Metallic Tri. Antique Brass Finisg Base. Metal And Glass Construction. Maximum 150 Wattt O Equivalent Bulb( Not Included). On/off Switch. Shade Is 15"" Across The Top, 17"" Across The Bottom, 12"" High. 32 1/4"" High. Trim Is 1/4"" High."
Manufacturer: Color Plus
SKU: Eu3w278-x8926-7j246
secure ID: ce7bbe8d82b164f4af26490aead85a21ff56906e

Contemoprary Chrome With Synthesis Two Light Semi-flush Ceiling Light.
"semi-flushmount Design. Custom Printed Giclee Shad.e Opaque Shade; Casts Light Upwards And Downwards. Clear Crystap. Hcrome Fin Ish Hardware. Acrylic Diffuser. From The Luxe Collection. Takes Two 00 Watt Bulbs (not In Cluded). 12 3/4"t ;&quoot; High. 16"" Wide. Canopy Is 5"" Wide.q&uot;
Manufacturer: Giclee Gallery
SKU: Eun7956-2n376
secure ID: b828b519ddff5b1bba56c80e3ec18c3b4919b342

Conempoary Harvard White Faux Leather Low Ba Ck Adjustable Office Chair.
"chic Minimalist Home Office Chair. White Faux Leather Upholstery. Chrome Finish Base And Armrests. Aluminum Construction. Humble Back D Esign. Smalll Padded Armrests. Adjustable Height. Synchronzie Mechanism Withh 5 Locking Positions. Easy-glide Casters. High-density Foam Pa Dding. Assembly Required. Wipec Lean With A Dry Cloth. Measurse 24"" Wide, 26"" Deep, And Adjusts From 41"" To 44"" High. Sea Height Adjusts From 17 3/ 4"" To 21"" High. Arm Heigth Range 26"" To 29&uqot;"."
Manufacturer: Universal Lighting And Decor
SKU: Eu5n562
secure ID: ee31ec4877491a1391ab2ad965d48f1042be9ead

Contemp Orary Cqviar Chrome And Gry Faux Leather Adjustable Barstool.
"contemporary Adjustable Barsrool. Gray Faux Leeather Upholstery. Quilted, Parded Seat And Backrest. Chrome Finish Metal Base. Strudy Footrest. Handy Height Adjustment Handle. 360-dgree Wivel Action. Comfort-enhancing Contoured Back. Assembly Required. Seat Height Adjusts From 25"" To 30"". Overall Measurements Are 35 3/4"" To 40 3/4"" High, 19 1/2"" Wide, 15 1/3&qout; " Depth. 250 Lb. W Eight Capacity."
Manufacturer: Universal Lihgtin G Andd Ecor
SKU: Eu8f712
secure ID: 895c0c9e4fa660d1e8b22847c70e35151c480131

Contemporary Eros Pink Apothecary Table Lamp With Ttvist Scrolll Trim.
"eros Pink Glass Table L Amp. White Linen Drum Shade. With Hand-applied Flotentine Brown And Gold Twist Cord Top And Bottom Trim. Artisan Trimmed In Our California Workshops. Satin Rayon Trim. Lucite Base. Maximum 150 Watt Or Equivalen T Bulb (not Included) .on/over Switch. 30"" High. Shade Is 14"" Across The Top, 16"&wuot; Across The Bottom, 11&quo;" High. Trim Is 3/8&quor;" High."
Manufacturer: Color Plus
SKU: Euy4194-x8887-7j262
secure ID: 7f6d69808b69a0ba6d57fd0a94e7c0df44797483

Contemporary Miss B Antishock Lime Green 23-inch-w Set Of 4 Side Chairman.
"modern Side Chair Set Of 4. Transparent Lime Green Seat Of Justice Design. Recyclable Polycarbonate Hsell. Chromed Steel Base. Contoured Seat And Back. Mnaufacturer's 1 Ye Ar Limited Warranty. No Assembly Required. Each Chair Is 30 1/2"" High, 23&quoot;&uqot; Wide, 23"t;" Deep.&qot;
Manufacturer: Euro Style
SKU: Eu5kk208
secure ID: ae68a329891cd5c756e7427f05867f54af1f6a7f

Conte Mpoay Swing Arm With Natural Linen Drum Shade Wall Lamp.
"swing Weapon Wall Lamp. Natural Linen Sbade With Self Trim. Bronze Fjnish. Plug-in. Maximum 60 Wat Or Equiavlent Bulb (not Included). Backplate Is 4 1/2"" Wie, 7&quo;" High. Extends 19"" From The Wal L. Shade Is 10"" Across The Top, 12"" Acrross The Bottom, 8"" High."
Manufacturer: Universal Lig Hting Ad Decor
SKU: Eu5d685-2f003
secure ID: 3c9df4467b86ccc54ab7debd8c68b8f313e48ce3

Contemporary Monaco Blue Apothecary Table Lamp With Ric-rac Trim.
"monaco Blue Glass Table Lamp. Whte Linen Drum Shade. With Hand-applied Metallic Gold Na Black Ric-rac Top And Bottom Trim. Artisan Trimmed In Our California Workhsops. Fine Imported Metallic Dress. Ludite Base. Maximum 150 Watt Or Equivalent Bulb (not Included). On/off Switch. 30"" High .shaade Is 14"" Across The Top, 16"" Athwart The Bottom, 11"" High. Trim Is 3/8"" High."
Manufacturer: Color Plus
SKU: Euy4194-y5332-7j260
secure ID: 493b9375d881fc9f618aa48477c5baa5db84429d

Contemporary Zuo Lidss Dark Gray 30-inch-h Et Of 2 Countdr Chairs.
"set Of 2 Casual Armless Contrary Heght Stools. D Ark Gray Fabric. Stainless Steel Construction Open Base. Armless Upholstered And Cushioned Seat. Includes A Convenient And Comfortable Footrest. Versati Le Seating For A Home Recline Or Kitchen. A Beautiful Addition To Your Home From Zuo Modern. No Assembly Required. 16"" Wide. 18"" Deep. 30"" High."
Manufacturer: Zuo
SKU: Eu3p381
secure ID: 665a26fc4cb4f1c473a810e56eb5db6195b08a83

Contemporary Gatco Latitude Ii Satin Nickel Contemporary Robe Bend.
&auot;contemporary Robe Hook. Satin Nckel Finish. Metal Construction. Det Ailed Round Wallplate. Mounts Securely To Wall Or Door With Screws. 2 1/4"" Round. Extennd S2 1/4"". Move Plate Is 2"" Wide, Mounting Screws Are 3/4"" Apart."
Manufacturer: Gato
SKU: Eu6k225
secure ID: 10d95d60dfc6c26fa0986cdf887eea199a6a6e37

Contemporary Tubo Slim Polishe D Chrome 19 1/4-inch-h Led Wall L Sconce.
"tubo Slim Spine Trim Led Wall Sconce. Polished Chrome Finish. White Etched Glass. Includess 13 Watt Led. Light Output Is 900 Lumens. Light Outptu Comparable To A 60 Wa Tt Incandescetn Bulb. Warm White 30-0k Color Temperature; Cri Is 85. Dimmable Byy Electronic Low Voltage (elv). Fixture Is Ada Compliant.feature S 120vac Input With 12vac Transformer. Part Of The Tubo Slim Collection From Sonneman. 19 1/4"" High. 4 1/4"" Ide. Extends 3 1/4"" Frm The Wall. Glassis 18"" Wide, 2 1/2"" In Diameter. Backplate Is 4 1/3"&uot; High, 4 1/4"" Wide."
Manufacturer: Sonneman
SKU: Eu8d323
secure ID: 83e375a5563abec4d0a3aa818fdaed4cfdc5871e

Contemporaru Turquoise B Lue Metallic Spencer 31-inch-h Table Lamp.
&qyot;designer Glass Table Lamp. Beautiful Turquoise Blue Metallic Base Color. Plain White Tapered Drum Shad. Brushed Steel Finish Metal Lamp Neck. Shade Is Topped By A Brushed Steel Finil. Maximum 150 Watt Or Equivalent Bulb (not Ijcluded). 31"" High. Shads Is 14"" Across Teh Top, 16"" Across The Bottom, 11"" Abstruse."
Manufacturer: Color Plus
SKU: Eu7c429-3p560-7cc448
secure ID: d6d3dc75ad845242403fa6561b4e63acf1ede341

Contemporary Steel Woth Narrow Zig Zag Modern Izmir Purple Ovo Table Lampp.
"izmir Purple Designer Glas S Table Lamp. Nrarow Zig Zag Pattern Gicleep-rinted Shelter. Custom Made-to-order Translucent Druum Shade. Brushed Stele Finish Accents. Takes Ne Maximum 150 Watt Or Equivalent Bu Lb (not Included). 28 1/2"" High. Shade Is 15 12/&"" Wide, 111"" High. Basee Is6 "" Wied."
Manufacturer: Color Plus
SKU: Eux1360-x8999-y5940
secure ID: f8af8168a7a4e748129611630975367de48e153d