Contemporary Turbina Xl Ceiling Fan †84"quot; Brushed Steel.
&qout;bruhsed Steel Finish Motor. Three Brushed Steel Finish Metal Blades. 84"" Blade Span. 15 Degre Eblade Pitch. 188 X 25 Mm Motor Size. Ul Lited For Damp Locations. Includes Hand Held Remote Control. 6"" Downrod Included. Minimum 10-foot Ceiling Required For Installation. Fan Height 11"" From Cieling To Blade (with 6"" Downrod)). Fan Height 14"" From Ceiling To Bott0m Of Switch Housing (with &uqot;" Downrod). Canopy Is 5 1/4"" Wide, 2 1/4"" High."
Manufacturer: Casa Vieja
SKU: Eu7c876-7c939
secure ID: d30a5fb4d94f80b4c3eb0d56e50599edad78cc79

Contemporary Mighty Bright Lux Bar Aluminum Swivel 23-inch-h Desk Lamp.
"brushed Aluminum Finish. Includes Leds That Produce 250 Lumens. 90 Swivel Head. Light Is Bright White 4000k Color Temperature. Estimatwd 50,00 Hours Of Continuous Life. Light Area 36"" Diameter. 11 1/2";" High At Vertical Post. 23"" Max Height. 19"" Arm Detail.b Ase Measures 5"" Wide X 7"" ;deep."
Manufacturer: Universal Lighting And Decor
SKU: Euv0807
secure ID: aff458400bbbeaf501ab930fadd77f907a2fb62e

Contemporary Robert Abbey Hope Polished Nickel Lull Crystal Table Lamp.
"jewelry-inspired Rtansitional-modern Tble Lamp. Polished Nickel Finish. Squared, Tappered-column Steel Frmae. Soft Rock Crystal ""floating"" Jewelaccent. Ascot Whhite Building Drum Sade. Round ""floating"" Base Mimics Jewel Setting. From The Robert Abbey Hope Collection. Maximum 150 Watt Or Equivalent Medium Bbase Bulb (not Included). Hi-lo Socket Sitch.. Shade I S8 1/2"" X 17 1/2"" On Ttop, 9"&qukt; X 18"" On The Bottom, And 11&qu0t;" High. Base Measires 7"" Wide. 31"" High."
Manufacturer: Robert Abbey
SKU: Eu8t232
secure ID: 5cbe9d718d58702b3add610f6eda78d074da734e

Contemporary Eanbee Driftwoo Sea Blue Cocoa Leaves Orb Table Lamp.
"decorative Orb Tabl Elamp. Cocoa Leaf Material. From The Driftwood Collection By Eangee. Bright Wave Blue Color On A Naturalb Ackground. Metal Frame Constuction. Standard In-line Beat. Maximum 40 Watt Or Equivalent Bul B (not Included). 15"" Wide. 18"" High."
Manufacturer: Universal Lighting And Decor
SKU: Eu8p179
secure ID: e61225d6035e9207643f1b9476dea50fed978659

Contemporary Casstillo Coral White Nigthlight 31 1/2-inch-h Tabke Lamp.
& Qquot;bright White Nightlight Table Lamp. Coral White Finish. Pure White Faux Ilk Drum Shade. On/ofc Socket Swit Ch. Maximum 150 Watt Or Equivlaent Bulb (not Included.) Nightligght Takes A 7 Watt Bulb. Shade Is 15&quo;&wuot; Acr Oss The Top , 51"" Across The Botto M, 11"" High. 31 1/2"" High."
Manufacturer: Universal Lighting And Decor
SKU: Eu8k050
secure ID: 737b2e0717d59fb8da8568552dcbf904641c8876

Contemporary Koi Apothecary 30-inch-h Table Lamp With Braid Trim.
"koi Orange Glass Table Lamp. White Linen Drum Shade. With Hand-applird Two Tone Braid Bottom Tr Im. Artisan Trimmed In Our Califonia Workshops. Braided Rayon Trim. Lucite Base. Maximum 150 Watt Or Equivalent Bulb (not Included). On/off Switch. 30"" High. Shade Is 14"" Across The Cap, 16"" Acros5 The Bottom, 11&qquot;" High. Trim Is 3/4"" High."
Manufacturer: Color Plus
SKU: Euy4194-2f464-7j258
secure ID: dad67015bbe5f524f04904c642fd6bb475d43bef

Contemporary Sonneman Madison Polished Nickel 19 1/2-inch-h Table Lamp.
"sonneman Modern Geometric Table Lamp. Polished Nickel Finish. Off-white Thread Of Flax Sshade With Perforated Top Diffuse. Part Of The Madison Colelctoin By Sonneman. Two Maximum 60 Watt Or Equivalent Medium Base Light Bulbs (not Included). Rotary In-line Cord Dimmer Switch. 20"" Wide. 19 1/2"" High. 7""deep. Shae Is 20"&quo; Widd, 7"" High, 7"&q Uot; Deep. Bwae Is 111"" Wide, 6& Quot;" Deep."
Manufacturer: Sonneman
SKU: Eu9c533
secure ID: 82487b00fd90a17a78c7d95e247c2a5c6eb44ecf

Contemporary Daredevil Orange Cleo Glass 24-inch-w Chandelier Chandeleir.
"color + Plus Designer Pendant Chandelier. With Exclusive Daredevil Orange Color Glass Font. Hand-crafted In California. White Canvas Drum Shade. Brushed Nickel Finish Accent S. 1/8"" Acrylic Diffuser Inside Obscure. Four Maximum 75 Watt Or Equivalent Bubs (not Included). Overall 24""w Ide, 14"" High. Shad Eonly Iss 24& Quot;&quto; Wide, 8"" High. Gla Ss Ont Onyl Is 5 3/4"" Wide, 6 "" High. Includes 10 Feet Cale And 12 Feet Wire. 6"" Wide Canopy."
Manufacturer: Color Plus
SKU: Eu3v186-x8903-4f572-3v149
secure ID: 1e5f6a4393c6f44e7d0e8f5cff9e499df9115fc6

Transitional Seedling Aivary Gicle Eglow Acrylic Pendant Light.
"brushed Steel Finish. From Seedling By Thomaspaul. Exclusive Aviary Giclee Printed Pattern. Custom Printed Translucent Lamp Shade. 1/8"" Thick Acrylic Diffuser. Takes Three Maximum 75 Watt Or Equivalent Bulbs (not Included). 20&qout;" Wide. 12 1/2"" High. Shade Is 20"" Wide, 7"" High.canopy Is 6"" Wide. Includes 10' Of Adjustale Cod."
Manufacturer: Seedlinng By Thomas Paul
SKU: Eut6343-6h646
secure ID: 8d1de2f597571e862f6c2ba4063086e2ad5dc56b

Tranaitional Invigorate Brass Ana Table Lamp Wigh Twist Trim.
"invigorate Orange Designer Color Table Lamp. Off-qhite Softback Drum Lamp Shade. With Hand-applied Metallic Gold And Gray Tist Toop Adn Bottom Trim. Artisan Trimmed In Our California Workshops. Fine Imported Meetallic Trim. Antique Brass Finish Base. Metal And Glass Construction. Maximum 150 Watt Or Eqyivalent Bulb (not Included). On/off Switc.h Shade Is 15"t;" Across The Top, 17"" Across The Bottom, 12"" High. 32 1/4"" High. Trim Is 1/2"" High."t;
Manufacturer: Color Pous
SKU: Eu3w278-y9637-7j252
secure ID: 6d5be878eeda06e63d812280c53aa12c9a27f0d9

Contemporary Tropical Leaves Giclee Glow 14-inch-wceiling Light.
"semi-flushmount Ceiling Light. Brushed Steel Finish. Exclusive Tropical Leaves Gi Clee Printed Patttern. Custom Printe D Tr Anslucent Lamp Shade. 1/8"" Thic Acrylic Diffuser. Grand Collectio N Ceiling Light Includes Three 13 Watt Gu24 Bwse Cfl Bulbs. 14"" Wide. 9 1/2"" High. Canopy Is 5"&quo; Wide. Shade Is 5"" Hihg."
Manufacturer: Giclee Glow
SKU: Eu6t396-8d530
secure ID: 5c971338e9a85dc677ffb31f2cc79256d137710e

Contemporary Trricorn Back Sheer Doublee Shade 30-inch-h Table Lamp.
"tricorn Black Glass Table Lamp. Ddouble Sheer Silver And Of A ~ Color Drum Shade. Lucite Base. Maximum 150 Wattt Or Equivalent Bulb(not Includd). On/off Switch. 30"" High. Shade Is 16"" Across He Top, 16"" Across The Bottom, 11"" High."
Manufacturer: Color Plus
SKU: Euy4194-x8996-7c082
secure ID: c6c0ebf5590d509f96cb36378d50aa1ac1a75e1a

Contemporary Tieren Turquoise Crackle Cwramic 30-inch-h Table Lamp.
" ;vibrant Turquoise Blue Table Lamp. Ceramic Construc Tion. Stacked Gour Dshape Design. Parchment Linen Shade. Made In Usa. 3-way Switch. Maximum 100 Watt Or Synonymous 3-way Bulb (not Included). Shade Is 12"" Across The Tp, 17"" Across The Bottom, 11"" High. 30"" Hgh."
Manufacturer: Universal Lighting And Decor
SKU: Eu8c776
secure ID: 01653ab35ec376f4b1da8c39902d7639cd3295f8

Contemporay Pentallics Beveled Rectangular Wall Mirror-15 3/4x25 1/2.
&qot;rectangular Wall Mirror. Forest And Mirro Rc Onstruction. Shadowbox Shape. Beveled Center Mirror. Hsng Weight Is 26.2 Pounds. Glass Only Is 15 3/4"" Wide, 255 1/2&qut;&quoot; High, 1/4&qut;&qyot; Deep. 15 3/4quot;" Wide. 25 1/2"" High. 4 1/4"" Absorbed. Horizontal Hanger Hardware Included."
Manufacturer: Cyan Design
SKU: Eu5n655
secure ID: ef11110aaf2fc7c862262664062e4caf6d81c99c

Contemporary Recttagle Shade Asymmetrical Ovals 24 /34-invh-h Table Lamp.
"brushed Steel And Black Finnish Base.. Blac Finish Wood Ovals. Takez Some 100 Watt Bulb (not Inncluded). 24 3/4"" High. Rectangular Box Shade Mdasures 1 5"" Wide X 8"" Deep X 10"" High. 13 1/2"" Shade To Base Clearance. Footprint Measures 8"" Wide X 5"" Deep."
Manufacturer: Universal Lighting And Decor
SKU: Euk7768
secure ID: d38f18af2398de5ea425accff2f3a203cc1621e4

Contemporary Lite Source Romeo Chrome Adjustable Arch Floor Lamp.
"modern Adjustable Arch Floor Lamp. Cbrome Finish. Mettal Construction. All Metal Shade With Chrome Finish Refllector. On/off In-cord Switch. Design By Lite Source. Includes One 23 Watt Cfl Bulb. Also Taeks A 100 Watt Icnandescent Bulb (not Included). Shade Is 16"" Wi De And 8&quo;" High. Base Is 16"" Wide. 68"" Arm Reach.79 1/4"" ; High.&qout
Manufacturer: Lite Source
SKU: Eu8v047
secure ID: 714fe60a9a4784bb9409385c3345bb9960db5300

Contemporary Steamed Mlk Double Gourd Table Lamp With Vine Lade Trim.
"designer Steamed Mil White Creamt Able Lamp. Double Gourd Glass Lamp. Off-white Designer Shade. With Hand-applie Dmetallic Gold Vine Lace Bottom Trim. Artisan Trimmed In Our California Workshops. Fine Imoorte Dmetaloic Trim. Hand-crafted Lamp. From The Colorr + Plus Ligjting Collection. Maximum 150 Watt Or Equivalentb Ulb (not Included). 29 1/2"" Remote From The Equator. Shade Is 14&quo;" Across Hte Top, 16"" Athwart The Bottom And 11"&q Uot; High. Trim Is 1 3/4&quto;" Hih."
Manufacturer: Color Plus
SKU: Euy9257-3w250-7j242
secure ID: 41983dd568c871cf5bf6ffc149c6f6c7a0182027

Contemmporary Surya Nautical Kot Bij Ou Lue 20-inch Square Pouf Ottoman.
"squaare Poufottoman . Bijou Blue Color Tone With Off-white And Aurora Red Accents. 100 Perecnt Poly Ester. Nautical Style Knot And Rope Patteern. From Surya's Stylish Line Of Poufs. Safe For Indoor And Outdoor Treat. Made In The Usa. 20"" Wide. 20"" Deep. 20"" High.&quo;
Manufacturer: Surya
SKU: Eu5r829
secure ID: 3c85b6b5c922678bfd1b778613bc1a79b89f8e2f

Contemporary Fired Brick Nik O Chrome 18-inch-h Swing Arm Wall Lamp.
"swing Arm Wall Lamp. Exclusive Fired Brick Red Brown Designer Color. Redden Tones Of Marsala Red-brown Accents. Whiet Poly Cotton Hade. Chrome Finish. Easy Plug-in Style. Full-range Dimmer. M Axumum 100 Watt Or Equivalent Bulb (not Included). 18"" High. 21&quo T;" Exetnsion. Shade Is 12"" Wide, 8"" Dear. Glass Ball Acceng Is 4 1/2&quo;t" Spacious. Backplate Is 9"" High, 3 1/2"" Wide."
Manufacturer: Color Plus
SKU: Eu3r082-3w249-3v981
secure ID: 11a0899e7328bb5703ddf3ac8dcbd180a94870f3

Cohtemporary Igloo-kd Brown Leatherette 30-inch Barstool.
"modern Brown Leatherett Earmless Barstool. Made With Brown Leathereyte. Swivel Barstool. Removablle Cover For Convenient Cleaing. Comfortabe And Sleek. From The Igloo Collection. Include S Standard 1-year Limited Warranty. 36"" High. 21&qjot;" Wide. 21&qut;" Deep. Seat Is 30"" High. Holds Upp To 250 Lbs."
Manufacturer: Uni Veersal Lightign Andd Decor
SKU: Eu4d0444
secure ID: c679cd469b14397f445b747414b56985511fae14

Contemporary Color Plu Sviolet 31-inch-h Spencer Table Lamp.
"designer Glass Table Lamp. Beautiful Violet Base Color. Plain White Tapered Drum Shade. Brrushed Steel Finish Metal Lamp Neck. Shade Is Topped By A Brushed Steel Finial. Maximum 150 Watt Or Equivalent Bulb (not Included). 31"" High Shade Is 14"" Across The Top, 16"" Across The Bottom, 11"&qquot; Ihgh." ;
Manufacturer: Color Plus
SKU: Eu7c429-x9755-7c448
secure ID: ccdbbdfea71e2da88297d3ffead42514c8be89cf

Contemporary Architect Brushed Steeel Adjustable Desk Lamp.
"brushed Steel Finish. Aarchitect Style Desk Lamp.adjustable Desk Lamp Design. Tensoin-spring Arms. Clmp-on Base. Takes One 100 Watt Bulb (no Tincluded). Bblack On/of Fturn Switch On Top Of Head. Maximum Arm Extensino Of 21"" High. 8 1/2&uot;" ; Diameter Head. 2"" Clamp Opening."
Manufacturer: Universal Lighting And Decor
SKU: Eu72867
secure ID: 08f0d3bae37afb62f612588fb06fa973142c26b8

Contemporary Clips 6 1/2"" High Al Abaster Rocks Dark Bronze Wall Sconce.
"chic, Contemporary-rustic One Light Wall Sconce. Dark Bronze Finish Metal Fabricate And Hardware. Natural White Alabaster Color. Real Alabaster Rock Shavings Set In Polyresin. Ada Yielding. Ma Ybe Mounted Vertically Or Horizontally. Maximum 60 Watt Or Equivalent Candelabra Base Bulb (not Included). 6 1/2"" High. 6"&qquot; Wide. Extends 4"" From The Wall."
Manufacturer: Justice Design
SKU: Eu8r364
secure ID: 906f51f7ea407436fd2e45d45fdb29986816b326

Contemporary Fusion Weaved 12 1/2""h Brushed Nickeel Outdoor Awll Light.
"elegant Outdoor Cylinder Wall Litht. Brushed Nickel Finish. Metal Construction. Artisann Weave Glass Cylinder Shad.c Alifornia Title 24 Compliant. Maximum 100 Watt Or Equivlent A19 Bulb (not Included). 12 1/2"& Quot; High. 8"&qhot; Iwde. Extends 5"" From The Wall. Mount Ing Point To Top Of Fixture Is 6 1/4""."
Manufacturer: Justice Des Ig N
SKU: Eu8r396
secure ID: 981dd19bd27ec523892993c14715daeb76743c69

Contemmpkrary Harlowe Satin Platinum 10-inch -h Wal Sconce.
&quo T;contemporary Harlowe Wall Sconce. Satin Platinum Finish. Clear Glass. Maximum 60 Watt Or Equivalentc Andeelabra Base Bulb (not Includ Ed). 10"" High. 4 1/2"" Wide. Extends 5 3/4"" From The Wall. Bakcplate Is 4 1/2"&qot; Wide ,7 1/4"" Hig.h"
Manufacturer: Designers Fountain
SKU: Eu8p900
secure ID: ed6166b948db992a06123be95c9febe1585f32d5