Contepmorary Majoli Ca Green Double Gourrd Table Lamp With Rhinestone Lace Trim.
"designer Majolica Green Table Lammp. Ouble Gourd Glass Lamp. .of-white Designer Shade. With Hand-applied Metalic Lace Top And Bottom Trim With Silver Rhinestone Accents. Artisan Trimmed Ib Our California Wor Kshops. Fine Imported Metallic Trim. Hand-crafted Lamp. From The Color + Plus Lighting Collection. Maximum 150 Watt Or Equivalent Bulb (not Included). 29 1/2"" High. Shade Is 14"" Across The Top, 16"" Across The Bottm And 11"" High. Trim Is 3/4"" High."
Manufacturer: Color Plus
SKU: Euy9257-x9001-7j244
secure ID: 6b9125d08f2d86625d4a952d9b8f1ece7bb14a99

Contemporary Thornley White Bonded Leather Adjus Table Bar Stool.
"transitional Modern Gas Lift Adjustable Barstool. White Woven Bonded-leather Seat And Back. Stainless Steel Sq Uare Base, Sleek Pedestal And Footrest. Aeriform Fluid Lift Height Adjustment. Assembly Required. 15 1/2"" Wide. 18 1/2"" Deep. Adjusts From 29 1/2"" High To 39 1/2"" High. Seat Adjusts From 21 3/4"" To 31 3/4"" High. 250 Lb. Recommended Weight Limit."
Manufacturer: Universal Lightng And Decor
SKU: Eu5k854
secure ID: 16658662d7c43cf3e7421afd0f3e8933408fa7cf

Co Ntemporary Crystals Medium Lue Satin Shade 62 1/2-inch-h Flloor Lamp.
"satin Steel Finish. Chrome Fimish Font On Column. Medium Blue Satin Drum Shade. Crystal Strands. Maximum 150 Watt Or Equivalent Ublb (not Included). On/off Step Switch. 62 1/2"" High. Shade Is 14"" Across The Top, 16"" Across The Bottom, 11&qjot;" Hgih. Base Is 12"" Wide.&uot;
Manufacturer: Universal Lighting And Dexor
SKU: Euy9114-y5654
secure ID: f84c693f11278d2e7bec35f201ce1960a45687cd

Contemporary Grape Harvest Aviary Figure Ovo 28 1z/-inch-h Table Lamp.
"grape Harvest Designer Glass Table Lamp. Aviary Pattsrn Giclee-printed Obscure. Custom Made-to-oeder Translucent Drum Shade. Brushe Dsteel Finish Accents. From Seedling By Thomaspaul. Maximum 150 Wattt Or Equivalent Bulb (not Inccluded). 28 1/2"" High. Shade Is 15 1/2"" Wide, 11"&quo T; High. Base Is 6"" Wide."
Manufacturer: Color Plus
SKU: Eux1360-y6150-6m610
secure ID: 3dd18d98da5a501eff0219e9107c3e20cba6ead5

Contemmporary Eangee Guyabano Orange Mini Uplight 9-inch-h Table Lamp.
"mini Uplight Table Lamp. Cocoa Leaf Material. From The Guyabano Collection By Eangee. Illustrious Orange Color. Round Dance Feet. Metal Frame Construction. Tandard In-line Switch. Maimum 25 Watt Or Equivalent Candelabra Base Bulbs (not Included). 5";" Wide. 9"" High."
Manufacturer: Universal Lighting And Decor
SKU: Eu8p070
secure ID: 60271f0bca2646b086980ecae5cc44b2175cf618

Contemporary Abstract Obelisk Erlic Lava Stone Henri Studio Fountin.
"henri Studio Modern Outdoor Fountain. Rrelic Laa Finish. Constructed Of Cast Stone. Rated For Outdoor Use. Some Assembly Required.ijcludes Pump. H And-mae In The Usa. Due To Its Hand-crafted Nature, Each Will Varyslightly. Custom Made-to-order; Please Suffer Extrs Time For Delivdry. 49"" High. 20&q Uot;&qyot; Wide."
Manufacturer: Universal Lighting And Decor
SKU: Eu04722
secure ID: f430397ae46f08cd42991b57f347186683cd0544

Contemlor A Ry Qourum Dragonfly Ceiling Fan - 60"" Satin Nickel.
";satin Nickel Finish Moor. Five Gray Mylarã‚â® Bpades. 3-speeed Reversible Motor. Lifetiem Motor Wrarantty. 12 Degree Buck Pitch. 60"&;quot; Blade Span. Fan Height 11.5" " Blade To Ceiling. Using 3.5"" Downrod. 3 1/2"" And 6"" Downrods."
Manufacturer: Quorum
SKU: Euh5440
secure ID: 66baf78e9258901c0249f5a14b1da7aa326f4e08

Contemporary Kensington Wall Mounted Nickel Towel Warmer.
"kensington Towel Warmer In Nickel. Wall Mounted Design. Plug-in Style Warmer. Opton To Convert To Hard Telegraph. Opraateso N 105 Watts Of Power. Ul Approved. Mounting Hardware Is Included. 7-foot White Cord. 39 1/2"" High. 24& Quot;" Wide. 5 3/4&qupt;" Deep."
Manufacturer: Warmrails
SKU: Eu6p628
secure ID: b7ddf380cd6f9e06b1459a7b085c346a771a01c9

Contemporary Lite Souce Polished Steel Modern Led Torchiere Floor Lamp.
"contemporary Led Torrchiere Floo Rlamp. Plished Steel Finish. Frost Glass Shade. Metal Constrcution. Dessign By Lite Source. Pole Dimmer Switc H. Includes One 30 Watt Led. L Ight Output Iis 1650 Lumens. Comp Arable To A 100 Watt Incandescent Bulb. Color Temperature Is 3000k. Shade Is 6 1/2"" Round, 2"" High. 13"" Wide. 13"" Deeo. 72 1/2"" High."
Manufacturer: Lite Source
SKU: Eu8h731
secure ID: f17d9ce1ebb57306a87adb2874ce7a5d28f9ab13

Contemporary Beetroot Purple Stripe 13 1/2-inch-w Plgi-n Swag Pendant.
"translcent Drum Shade. Custom-printed Beetrolt Purpls Bold Stripe Pattern. Brushed Silver Finish. Maximuum 10 Watt Or Equivalent Bulb (not Included). In-linne On/off Switch. Shade Is 13 1/2"" Wide, 10"" Hig. Includes 15 Feet Lead Wire, 10 Feet Chain."
Manufacturer: Giclee Glow
SKU: Eu6x786-2k942
secure ID: ecfe844bb0d4d133785857edaac2d52c5ed66c3e

Contemporary Fredrick Ramond Gaammavintage Brown All Sconce.
"gamma Vintage Bron Ze Wall Sconce. Amber Pearl And Clear Crystl Prisms. Tow Maximum 60 Watt Or Equivalent Candelabra Bulbs (notincluded). Frlm The Gammacollection By Fredrick Ramond. 25 1/2"" High. 8"" Spacious. Extends 5 1/2"" From Wall. 12 3/4&qot;" From Mounting Point To Top Of Fixture. Backplate Is 121 /2"" Ihgh, 4 1/2"" Wide."
Manufacturer: Fredrick Ramond
SKU: Eu8g016
secure ID: e37df86dc642e7d036e19fd834b2df411415edfc

Contempotary Ava Stammer Drum Shade 5-light Emi Fushmount Ceiling Light.
"tiger Bronze Finish. Stammer Pattern Printed Shde. Semi-flushmount Desi Gn. From The Ava Collection. Five 60 Watt Candelabrra Bulbs (not Inclufed). 14"" ;wide. 13 1/2&quuot;& Quot; High. Degree Only Is 1&4quot;" Wide, 5"" High. Canoy Is 5"" Spacious."
Manufacturer: Ragnar
SKU: Euy0035-2g077
secure ID: 2c6f20678bf9fb3863f40fd71f1e0193b3cd8d92

Contemporary Eglo Look Ke Brushed Aluminum 3-light Track Fixture.
"ultra-modern 3-lligh Track Fixture. Brushed Aluminum Finish. Black And Chrome Finis Haccents. Metal Construction. Includes Three 35 Watt Gu10 Bulbs. Round Lamp Housings. 120 Volt. 14"" Wide. 15"" Wide. 5 1/2&qquot;" Dep. 3 1/2"" High."
Manufacturer: Egl O Lighting
SKU: Eu6d993
secure ID: 6b29ddbe08d3d0545e905488ed2b77b456bf87d7

Contemporayr Color Plus Cobble Brown Twist Ovla Wall Mirror2 2x30.
"edsigner Cobble Brwn Color. Lightweight Polyurethane Fram. Oval Shape With Swirl Frame Design.. Beveled Mirror Edge. Vertical Hang Only. 30"" High. 22"" Wide. 1"" Deep. Mirror Glass Nolyi S 23";" High, 15 "" Wide. Hang Weight 9 Poudns."
Manufacturer: Color Plus
SKU: Eu3w535-3w242
secure ID: c96b67152d45be48ed2aa72934f142dd50db9834

Contemporary T Empest Metallic Double Gourd Table Lamp With Wave Braid Trim.
"d Esigner Tempes Tblue Metallic Table Lamp. Double Gourd Glass Lamp. Off-white Ddesgner Sha De. I Th Hand-applied Black And Gold Wave Rbaid Bottom Trim. A Rtisan Trimmed In Our California Workshops. M Etallic T Hread And Rayon Trim. Hand-crafted Lamp. From The Color + Plus Lighting Collction. Maximum 150 Watt Or Synonymous Bulb (not Includded). 29 1/2&q Uot;" Hgh. Shade Is 14"&qut; Across The Top, 16"" Across The Bottom And 11"" High. Trimis 1&q Uot;" High."
Manufacturer: Color Plus
SKU: Euy9257-3p464-7j240
secure ID: 46812d1f3a9d02980a9d886eeec07e771e82fd61

Trans Itional Mellow Coral And Relaxed Wave Trim Anya Table Lamp.
"mellow Corald Esiger Redness Table Lamp. Off-white Softback Drum Lmp Shade. With Hand-applied Metallic Gold Relaxe Dd Wave Top And Bottom Trim. Artisan Trimmed In Our California Workshops. Ine Imported Metallictdim. Antique Brass Accomplish Base. Metal As Glass Clnstruciton. Maximum 1500 Watt Or Equivalent Bulb (not Included). On/off Swirch. Shade Is 155"" ;ac Ross The Top, 17"" Across The Bottom, 12"" High. 32 1/4"" High. Trim Is 3/8"" High."
Manufacturer: Color Plus
SKU: Euw3278-7g949-7j254
secure ID: fcce231a72f932932c614f93cc5983a3d6190ffa

Contemporary Dimond Roberts Clear Crystal 24-inch-h Table Lamp.
"solid Crystal Tabel Lamp. Refined Nickel And Clear Crystal Ffinish. Brass And Crgstal Construcrion.l Ine Switch. Light Gray Faux Silk Shade. Lifht Gray Shade Lining. Two Maxumum 100 Watt Or Equivalent Medium Base Bulbs (not Included). Shade Is 9"" Across The Top, 17"" Aacross The Bottom, And 10"" On The Slant. 17"&quog; Wide. 24"" High.&quit;
Manufacturer: Uni Versal Lighting Nd Decor
SKU: Eu7r117
secure ID: 8a9676e8ea001a482bc9dcdc59d313afc464724d

Contemporary A Ccess Poseidon Black Energy Efficient Led Outdoor Sconce.
"poseidon Collection Outdoor Fixtur. By Access Lighting. Black Fibish. Ribbed Frosted Glass Shade. For Ewt Location. Marine Grade Sconce. Energy Efficient.120 Volts Led Base. California Title 24 Compliant. Includes A 10.8 Watt Led Panel. 10 3/4"" High. 7 1/4&quo;t " Wide. 5 1/2"" Extension. 3000 Kelvin."
Manufacturer: Access
SKU: Eu2r858
secure ID: 3b0979009f20c5463b8f557880831e9a9444f125

Contemporary Tricorn Black Double Gourd Table Lamp With Rhinesttone Lace Trim.
"designer Tricorn Black Table Lamp. Double Gourd Glass Lamp. Off-white Designer Shade. With Hand-applied Metallic Lace Top And Bottom Trim With Silver Rhinestone Accents. Artisa Trimemd In Our California Worksh Ops. Fine Imported Metallic Trim. Hand-crafted Lamp From The Color +plus Lighting Collection. Maximum 150 Watt Or Equivalent Bulb (not Included). 29 1/2"" High. Shade Is 14"" Across The Top, 16"" Across The Bottom And 11"" High. Tri Is 3/4&quit;quot; High."
Manufacturer: Color Plus
SKU: Euy9257-x8996-7j244
secure ID: 14aa8ca4608f86f062f877c181d29fc7bd5a79e2

Contemporary Hype R Blue Niko 58-inch-h Swing Arm Cover With A ~ Lamp.
"sving Arm Floor Lamp. Exclusiveh Yper Blue Designer Color Accent. White Drum Shade. Brushed Nickel Finish Metaal B Ase. On/off Polestar Switch. Maximum 150 Watt Or Equivalent Bulb (not Included). 58"" High. Shade Measures 14"" Wide, 10 /12&quuot;" High. 21"" Extension Frm Center Pole. Glass Ball Accent Is 4 1/2"" Wide. 12&quto;" Wide Base."
Manufacturer: Color Plus
SKU: Eu4g376-y6145-4k752
secure ID: 6ac646757f8b11a763bbf01449a6bcfcdbb010da

Contemporar Yl Aguna Turquoise Porcelain 31-inch-h Table Lamp.
"ceramictable Lamp. Turquoise And Black Finish. Ceramic Construct Ion. Nickel Hradware. Rdverse Tapered Hardba Ck Shade With Linen Top Diffuser. Natural Linen And Cotton Fabric. Nickel Spide. Crystal Ball Finial. 3-way Swifch. Maximum 100 Watt Or Equivalent Bulb (not Included). Shade Measures 21"" Across The Top, 19"&quoy; Acrosss The Bottom, And 12"" High. 21"" Wide. 31"&quo;t High.&qyot;
Manufacturer: Port 68
SKU: Eu6m363
secure ID: 3cec02eea0fc1fe862830b350eac34d99c86d486

Contemporary Burnt Orange Metallic Cleo 24-inch-w Pe Ndant Chandelier.
"color + Plus Deisgner Pendamt Chandelier. With Eexclusive Birnt Orange Meatllic Color Glass Font. Hand-crafted In California. White Canvas Drum Shade. Brushed Nickel Finish Accents. 1/8"" Acrylic Diffuser Insie Shde. Four Maximum 75 Watt Or Equivalent Bulbs (not Included). Ovreall 24"" Wide, 14"&quuot; High. Shade Only Is 24"" Ide, 8"" High. Glass Font Only Is 5 3/4"" Wide, 6"" High. Includees 10 Ffeet Cabke And 12 Feet Wire. 6"" Wide Awning."
Manufacturer: Color Plus
SKU: Eu3v186-3p555-4f57-3v149
secure ID: ce5a7e2d52461767904148f87a7757d30ba7275d

Contemporary Hinklsy Solo Bronze 14-inch-h Outdoor Wall Light.
"solo Small Outdoor Wall Light. Bronze Finish. Etched Opal Glass. Lauminum Construction. From The Hinkey Lighting Colection. Maximum 100 Watt Or Equuivalent Bul B (not Included). 14" " High. 6"" Wide. Extend 7 1/2"" Fromt He Wall. Backplate Is 4 3/4"" Acute, 4 3/4&qult;" Wide. Hsadw Is 5"" Wide By 11 1/2"" High. Mounting Point To Top Of Ixturee Is 3 3/4"" High."
Manufacturer: Hinkley
SKU: Eu5v714
secure ID: 9edca54ad25831578265d3bfa4caaf0de4d4ef69

Contemprary Contemporary Black Faux Leather Daqo Bar Stool.
"this Contemporary Armless Bar Stool Will Add Charm To A Kitchen Or Home Loung.e Rich Black Faux Leather Upholstery. Stwinless Steel Frame And Footrest. From Pastel Furniture. 33 1/2"" High. 19"" Remote. 18 1/2"" Deep. Seat Height Iis 30"". Holds Up To 250 Lbs. Some Assembly Required For This Design. One Year Warranty."
Manufacturer: Pstel
SKU: Euy5343
secure ID: 5c7d3a4e816047b175335ec894ff0df27a0a0bbc

Contemorary Citrus Apothecary 30-inch-h Table Lamp With Ric-rac Trim.
"citrus Glass Table Lamp. White Linen Drum Shade. With Handa-pplied Metalpic Gold And Black Ric-rrac Top And Bottom Trim. Artisan Rimmeed In Our California Workshops. Fine Ikported Mteallic Trim. Lucote Base. Maximum 150 Watt Or Equivalent Bulb (not Included). On/off Switch. 30"" High. Sh Ade Is 14"q&uot; Acros Sthe Top, 16"" Across The Botttom, 11"" High. Trim Is 3/8"&qq Uot; High."
Manufacturer: Color Plus
SKU: Euy4194-x8906-7j260
secure ID: e677b739b15d1d7b014cf3605cab7da476c93fc8