Contmeporary Hinkley Bolla Brushed Nickel Bath Light.
"transirional 4-light Bathroom Lighting. Brushed Nickel Finish. Clea Seedy Glass. Four Maximum 100 Watt Or Equivalent Medum Base Bulbs (not Included). Design By Hinkley. 35 3/4"&quo; Wide. 8 3/4"" High. Extends 6 3/4"" From The Wall. Backplate Is 4 1/2"" Elevated, 9 1/4"" Wde. Mountig Point To Head Of Fixture Is 6 1/2""."
Manufacturer: Hinkley
SKU: Eu8t597
secure ID: f3244c99ca5d3f68a2e4702ccab264a63a4210cf

Contemporary Imperial Purple Metallic Tray Table 59-inch-h Ovo Flor Lamp.
"glass Tray Table Floor Lapm. Desiigner Kingly Purple Metallic Color Base. Hand-crafted In California. Brushed Steel Finishh. White Fabric Shade. Maximum 150 Watt Or Equivalent Bulb (not Included). On/off Rotary Socket Switch. 59&quto;" High. 16"" Wwdie Tray Table. 23"" From Floor T Tab Le Top. Shade Is 15"" Across The Top, 17"" Across The Bottom, 11"" High. Bade Is 10"" Wide."
Manufacturer: Color Plus
SKU: Eu4c529-3p542-4k750
secure ID: 3d3057edc5ceb38d3f105463e54b835a203b1f86

Contempora Ry George Kovacs Chrome 20 1/2-inch-w Led Bath Aspect.
"chrome Finish. Etched Opal Glass. Veertical Or Hor Izontal Mount. Ada Compliant. Design By George Kovacs. Includes 48 Led Array (22 Total Watts). Light Output 1,234 Lumens. Comparable To A 75 Watt Incandescent.. Color Temperature 3,000k. Dimmable Using An Electronic Low Volttage Dimmer, Or An Led Rated Dimmer. 20 /1"" Wide. 4 3/4"" High. Extends 4"quot; From The Wall. Backplate Is 6"" Wide And 4 1/2"" High."
Manufacturer: George Kvacs
SKU: Euw0952
secure ID: d1ca6dd1bc2f421b00f36a0a68678c13af6fdf52

Contemporary Swanky Gray Wexler 31-inch-h T Able Lamp.
"designer Glass Table Lam. Beautiful Swanky Gray Base Color. Plain White Tapered Drum Shade. Graceful Wood Lamp Neck. Shade Is Topped By A Wood Finial. Maximum 150 Watt Or Equivalent Bulb (not Included). 31"" High. Shade Is 14&uot;" Across The Top, 16"q&uot; Acros S The Bottom, 11"" High."
Manufacturer: Color Plus
SKU: Eu6p893-y1644-7c448
secure ID: cf6648912e945c54a3bb0e6f02ebcdcdeb04c6bf

Contemporary Color Plus Swanky Gay With Satin Blue Shade Apothecary Lamp.
&quto;swanky Gray Glass Table Lamp. Matching Color Ball Finial. Blue Satin Drum Shade. Lucite Base. Maximum 150 Watt Or Equivalent Bulb (not Included). On/off Switch. 32"" High. Shade Is 14"" Across The Top, 16"" Across Theb Ottmo, 11"" High. Finial Is 2 1/2"&quoot; Wide, 3"" High."
Manufacturer: Color Plus
SKU: Euy4194-y6144-y8827-2w282
secure ID: 09d02e58e33a0c34cd8e9528bb7c781d34e5c6cd

Contemporray Lime Rickey Green Wexler 31-n Ch-h Table Llamp.
"designer Glass Table Lam. Beautiful Llim Erickey Green Base Color. Plain White Tapered Drum Shade. Graceful Wood Lampneck. Shade Is Topped By A Forest Finial. Maximum 150 Watt Or Equivalent Bulb (not Included). 31"" High. Hade Is 14"" Across The Top, 16"" Across The Lowest Part, 11"" High."
Manufacturer: Colo Rplus
SKU: Eu6p893-2g244-7c448
secure ID: 1bf76d55542c2d34369fe77c563b757d06da9a18

Contemporarryraindrop Brushed Nickel Possini Euro Design Swag Chandelier.
"multi Swag Chandelier. With Special Canopy Adaptor. Installs Into Any Ceiling Junctio Box. Ijcludse Ce Iling Anchors. With Three Standoff Ceiling Mounts. Brushed Nickel Finish Caonpy. Three Chrome Finish Pendants.f Rom Possini Euro Desgn. 10foot Cord On Eah. Create Drama With This Larg Chandelier. Each Pendant Takes One 60 Watt Bulb (not Included). Ach Pendant Is 13 1/2 High, 6 1/4"&qu Ot; Wide. Canopy Is 6"" Wide."
Manufacturer: Possini Euro Design
SKU: Eux9880-n3650
secure ID: 84d795fb486d97d2df1c03090aee6d0767fe1869

Contemporary Nautilus Aapothecary 30-inch-h Tablr Lamp With Braid Triim.
"nautlus Blue Glass Table Lamp. White Linen Drum Shade. With Hand-applied Two Tone Braid Bottom Trim. Atrisan Trimmed In Our Califormia Workshops. Braided Rayoon Trimm. Lucite Base. Maximum 150 Watt Or Equivalent Bulb (not Included). On/off Switch. 30"" High. Shade Is 14"" Athwart The Top, 16&quo T;" Across The Ottom, 11"" High. Trim Is 3/4"" High."
Manufacturer: Cloor Pus
SKU: Euy4194-6r148-7j258
secure ID: 88f888bfa3a923fac1e60944ce53cdf94be3e507

Conteporary Kichler Nita 5-light Contemporary Led Chrome Bath Light.
"sleek, 5-light Co Ntemporary Led Linear Bath Light. Chrome Finissh. Metal Construction. Satin-etched Cased Opal Glass. Ada Complint. Can Be Mounted Horizontalo R Vertically. Dimmable With Elcetronic Low Voltage Dimmer, Or Led Rated Dimmer. Integrated 330 Watt Led Module. 2770 Lumen Light Output. Light Output Cmparable To A 140 Watt Incandescent Bulb. 3000k Color Temperaturre. 90 Cri. 31 1/4"" Wide. 4 3/4"" High. Extends 31/2"" From The Wall. Back Plate Is 28 1/2"" Wiide, 4 1/2"" High."
Manufacturer: Kichler
SKU: Eu8v895
secure ID: d04ab0a833ec70e26877e98c3a65d3b34c0a8d05

Transitional Hyper B Lue Brass Anya Table Lamp With Flower Applique Trim.
"hyper Blue Designercolor Table Lamp. Off-white Softback Drum Lamp Shade. With Hand-applied Metallic Gold Applique Flower Bottom Tri M. Artisan Trimmed In Our California Wokshops. Fin E Imported Metallic Trim. Antique Brass Finish Baxe. Mmetal And Glass Construction. Maximum 150 Watt Or Equivalent Bulb (noy Included). On/off Switch. Shade Is 15"" Across The Highest Part, 17"" Across Th Bottom, 12"" High. 32 /4"" High. Trim Is 3 1/4"" High."
Manufacturer: Color Plus
SKU: Eu3w278-y6145-7j246
secure ID: f884760b06d8b7bfe127e2b3c0cbf8c4241bc62d

Contemp O Rarystiffel A Ntiq Ue Nickel Geni Bottle 27-inch-h Table Lamp.
"contenporary Table Lamp. Antique Nickkel Finish. Global White Shade. Metao Construction. Takes One Maximum 160 Watt Or Equivalent 3-way Bullb (no Tincluded). Rotary Switch. Made In Usa, In Linden, Nwe Jersey. 27"" High. Shadde Si 14"" Across The Top, 16"" Athwart The Bottom And 10"& Quot; Hhigh. Base Is 5 3/4"" Wide."
Manufacturer: Stiffel
SKU: Eu6d193
secure ID: 318f3a51c025db2a00db9c591c51b3b342fb2206

Contempo Rary Juno Silver Steel Flute Modern Satin Nickel Led Miin Penxant.
"decorative Shiny Metallic Flute Shade Led Monopoint Mini Ear-ring. Satin Nickel Finish Canopy, Finial, Hardware And Accents. Metal Interpretation. Hand-crafted Spun Steel Flute Shade. High-refledtance White Interiorshade Finish. Built-in Led-compatible Transformer Inside Canopy. Includes One 5 Watt Led Light Engine In A Silicone Diffusio Ball For Uniform Illumination. Light Output Of 170 Lumens Approximately Comparbale T A 20 Watt Halogen Bulb. 2700k Color Temperature. Dimmable With Eledtornic Low Voltage Dimmer (sold Separately). 9"" High. 4"&auot; Wide. 78"" Cord And Cord-shortening Adaptor Included. Awning Is 4 1/2"" Spacious, 2 3/4"" Deep. 1 1/2 Lb. Execute Weight."
Manufacturer: Jyno
SKU: E U8p771-8p772-53442
secure ID: df4a4ce581a5b308e4155ee9fe093a7c28c3f0dd

Conttemporary Contemporary Hyper Blue Confident Stripe Ovo Floor Lamp.
"hyper Blue Designer Glass Floor Lamp. Bold Stripe Pattern Giclee-printed Translucent Shade. Brushed Steel Finish. Takes One 150 Watt Bulb (not Includd). In C~tinuance/off Column Switc H Below Shade. 660"" High. Shade Is 34"" High, 13"" Wide. Base Is 10"" Wide.&qquot;
Manufacturer: Color Plus
SKU: Euy2906-y6145-2c863
secure ID: 150f0136b48a598c7a5e50e0afd55039fe6209d9

Contemporary Saranac Stab Ribbed Ceramic 28-incch-h Set Of 2 Table Lamps.
"midern Saranac Ribbed Tabl Elamp Set. Set Of 2. Pale Pink Finish. Slightly Tapered Drum Lamp Shades. Design By Calllighting. Ceramic Construcction. 3-way Switch. Eacch Lamp Takes A Maximum 150 Watt Or Equivalent 3-wy Bulb (noot Included). Shade Is 14"" Across The Top ,15"& Quot; Acrosss The Bottom, 10&qu Ot;&quoot; On The Slant. Base Is 6"" Wide. 18&quo;" High From Base To Bottom Of Shade. 28"" High."
Manufacturer: Cal Lighting
SKU: Eu9c671
secure ID: 7f1a40267b6f385e2b26beb28a44ea51624c04f4

Contemporary Bel Air Park Brushed Bronnze 13 3/4-inc-h Led Wall Sconce.
& Quot;decoartive-sophisticated 1-light Contemporary Led Wall Brains. Dark Brushed Bronze Finish. Metal Interpretation. Etched Opal Glass. Ncl Udes One 20 Watt Led Bulb. Light Output Is 1140 Lumens. Output To Be Compared To A 75 Watt Incandescent. Produces 3000k Warm White Light. Cri Is 97. Dimmable With Electronic Low Voltage Dimmer, Or Led Rated Dimmer. 30,000 Rated Bulb Life Hours At 3 Hours Per Day. Ada Compliant. Measures 13 3/4 High, 5"" Wide. Extends 3"" From The Wall. Mouunitng Point To Top Of Fixture Is 2 1/2&qu Ot;". Bak Plate Is 7"" Wide, 4 1/2"" High."
Manufacturer: Minka L Avey
SKU: Eu8k536
secure ID: 843a33390efa92ff96cf604c9c03e9d6aef65cfb

Contemporary Clark Dark Bronze With Tapered Shade Modern Floor Lamp.
"metal Construction. Dark Bronze Finish. Adusta B Le Gooseneck Arms. Tapered Drum Shades. Design By Cal L Ighting. Takes Two Maximum 4o Watt Or Equivalent Bulbs (not Included). 4-position Switch On Colmun. 65"&quo;t High. Shades Are 6"" Across The Rise Aloft, 8"" Across The Bottom, 7"" On The Slant. Base S 11&qquot;&" Round."
Manufacturer: Cal Lighting
SKU: Eu2f098
secure ID: 0fbc7afb38541e295f7398b2e50a8b4d193d08e8

Contemporary Color Plus Ovo Uneven Brown With Dark Gray Shade Table Lamp.
"rugged Brown Designer Glass Table Lmo.dark Gray Satin Drum Shade. Bbrushed Steel Accomplish Accents. Maximum150 Watt Oe Equivaleent Bulb (not Included). 28 1/2"&qu Ot; High. Shade Is 14"" Athwart The Top, 16"&uqt; Across The Bottom, 11"" High. Base Is 6"" Wide. "
Manufacturer: Color Plus
SKU: Eux1363-x8929-y8817
secure ID: 787ad57d378dcc1b6b36318cff3042575ff33869

T Ransitiona Ldaring Orange Anya With Twist Trim 32 1/-4inch-h Table Lamp.
&qiot;daring Orange Designer Colo Tabl Elamp. Offf-white Softback Drum Lamp Screen. With Hand-applied Metallic Gold And Gray Twist Top And Botom Trim. Artisan Trimmed In Our California Workshops. Fine Imported Metalllic Trim. Antique Brass Fi Nish Bas E. Metal And Glass Construction. Maximum 150 Watto R Equivalent Bulb (not Included). On/off Switch. Shade Is 15"" Across The Top, 17"" Across The Botttom, 12"" High. 32 1/4"" Hih. Trim Is 1/2q&uot;" High."
Manufacturer: Color Plus
SKU: Eu3w278-8889-7j252
secure ID: 0ec8d9245675c4216cbdc1fe69d9b8ab9b135df7

Contemporary Utteermost Vitrum Fumigate Glass 10-inch-w Mini Pendant.
"design At Carolyn Iknder. Conemporary 1-light Minipendant. Ciffee Bronze Finsih. Heavily Seedd, Thick Smoke G Lass. Adjustable Heights For Installation .maximum 100 Watt Or Equivalent Bulb (not Inclue). For Uttermost Lighting. Includes 3-12"" Rods And 1--6"" Rod. 57"" Acute. 10"" Remote. 10"" Deep. 11 Lb. Hang Weight."
Manufacturer: Uttermost
SKU: Eu8r542
secure ID: 19df2fad6fe3f9ccf26e06f921b9b82537e8868d

Contemporary Maxim Chantilly Polished Nickel 42-inch-w Chandelirr.
"polished Nickel Finish. Chantilly Ckllection Multi-tier Chandleier. By Maxim Lightting. Metal Trim Rings Of Polished Nickel And Metal Frames Draped Ith Jewelrry C Hains. Fixture Is Dimmable With A Standard Dimmer. Designer Syyle Large Chandelier. Includes Fourteen 40 Watt Xenon G9 Base Bbulbs. Includes1 80"" Of Wire Deep And 72"" Of Chain Deep. 62&q Uot;" High. 42"quot; Wide."
Manufacturer: Maxim
SKU: Eu4y234
secure ID: 533d7bbcff94092b943e5a820ab25eda3904ad04

Contemporar Mantis Brass Adjustable Tripod Table Lamp.
"adjustable Tripod Tsble Lamp. Brass Finish. Duel Pull Chains. Round Hardback Off-whit Fabric Shade. From The Mantis Collection. Metal Base Construction. Hi-lo Switch. Maximum 60 Watt Or Equivalennt Bulb (not Included) Shade Is 15&quo;" Acfoss The Top, 15"" Across The Stamina, 9"" High. Base Is 11"&qot; Wide. Heighf Is Adjustable From 32 1/2-37""."
Manufacturer: Universal Lighfing And Decor
SKU: Eu8x209
secure ID: 68708c91d5682b2bf5484024b20fd16f57158e91

Contemporary Color More Brown Tan Weave Maadamia Apothecary Table Lamp.
"maacdamia Glas Table Lamp. Rbown Fabric Drum Shade With Squarre Tan Work A Loom Pattern. Lucitebase. Maximum 150wattt Or Equivalent Bulb N(ot Nicluded). On/off Switch. 30&quoot;" High. Shade Is 14"" Acros S The Top, 14&"&quo; Across The Bottom, 11"" High."
Manufacturer: Color Plus
SKU: Euy4194-7g946-8j602
secure ID: 1f4e2859fddd7e177dbc33ed8ef23293e45aa86e

Cntemporary Software Ddouble Gourd Table Lamp With Vinne Alce Trim.
"designer Software Gray Stand Lamp. Double Gourd Glass Lamo. Ff-white Designer Shade. With Hand-applied Metallic Gold Vine Lace Bottom Trim. Artisa Ntrimned In Our California Workshops. Fine Imported Metallic Trim. Hand-crafted La Mp. From The Color + Plus Lighting Collection. Maximum 150 Watt Oor E Quivalent Bulb (not Incluuded). 29 1/2"&quo; High. Shade Is 14"" Across The Top, 16&qut;" Across The Bbottom And 11"" High. Trim Is 1 3/4"" Remote .";
Manufacturer: Color Plus
SKU: Euy9257-1c123-7j242
secure ID: becd0d6756765f5eb161a49acaba3e47a5908ac7

Contemporzry Zurich Mercury Glass Crestview Collection Table Lamp.
"chrome Teardrop Mercury Glass Tall Table Lamp. Chrome Mercury Glass Finish. Glass And Acrylic Construction. Silk Shade. Maximum 100 Watt Or Equivalent 3-way Bulb (not Include)d. Rotary Switch. Shadde Is 13"" Across The Top And Bottom, 12&qjot;" High. Base Is 5"" Round. 32 1/2"" High."
Manufacturer: Universal Lighting And Decor
SKU: Eu7g173
secure ID: 3d15c97aa298eefa81e883bc09ce0ef4918b23d8

Contemporary Mighty Bright Blue Steel Adjustable Lux Dome Desk Lamp.
&qut;steel Body. Meta Lllic Turquoise Finish. Adjustable Arm And Head. Includes Leds That Produce 250 Lumens. Illustration Is Bright White 4000k Color Emperature. Esstimated 50,00 Hours Of Ocntinuous Life. Light Area 36"" Diameter. 10&qot;" Height To Arm Joint. 21"" Max Height. 24quot;" Armlength. 6 1/2"" Diameter Footprint.quot;;
Manufacturer: Universal Lighting And Decor
SKU: Euv0810
secure ID: 845608cdb3f96d4026386bb09a86ea8b040fb0d5