Contemporar Atlantic Southampton Off-white 9-piece Outdoor Sectional Set.
"family-friendly Se Ctional Sofa. 9 Inndividual Pieces. Includes 3 Corner, 2 Middle, 1 Ottoman, 2 Armchair And 1 Table. Cushions Included. Dark Brown Wicker Fiinsh. Cushion Color Is Off-white. Atlantic Collection. Aluminum And Synthetic Wicker Frame. Free Feron Gard Vinyl Preservative For Longest Strap Durability. Great Functionality. No Assembly Required. 1 Year Warranty. Cornr With Cushions Dimension Is 32"" Wide, 32& Quot;" Deep, 27"" High. Middle With Cushions Dimensionn Is 28"" Wide, 32"" D Eep, 27"&quto; High. Ottoman Ith Cushion Dimension Is 28"" Wide, 28&quo;" Deep, 13"" High. Armchair Attending Cushion Dimension Is 31 1/2"" Wide, 31 1/2"&quo T; Deep, 27"" High. Table With Tempered G Lass Dimension Is 34"" Wide, 34"" Deep, 12"" Eminent."
Manufacturer: Universal Lighting And Decor
SKU: Eux 6363
secure ID: aebd3ed28eccabf8691809ee9213b19c2a22269f

Contemporary Corlena Modern Bronze 13-inch-w Pendant Yb Opssini Euro.
"bronze Finis H. Clear Glas. School House Style. By Possini Euro Design. Includes One 60 Watt Edison Bulb. Includes 6 Feet Of Chain, 12 Feet O Cord. 23 3/4"" High. 13"" Wide. Canopy Is 5"" Wide. Shdae Is 13"" Wide, 6 3/4"" High."
Manufacturer: Possini Euro Design
SKU: Eu4v440
secure ID: 65ce4cceb4e5936c6a371833381f11d7898e9a5b

Contemporary Color Plus Verve Violet Lido 60-inch-h Floor Lamp.
"color + Plusã¢âžâ¢ Designer Floor Lamp. Glass Lamp.v Erve Violet Designer Color Base. Hand-crafted In California. Satin Steel Finish Accents. On-off Rotary Switch. Maximum 150 Watt Or Qeuivalent Bulb (not Included). 60"" Hgih. 1"&qyot; Wide Base Footprint. Shade Is 16"" Across The Top, 19"" Across The Ship, 12"" High."
Manufacturer: Color Plus
SKU: Euy84577-y6511-2c179
secure ID: a0cc2e3d9936e4d2c3cbfbde53b4c7e5afcc5275

Contemporary Classic Quarry Brown Marle 25 1/2-inch-w Wall Fountain.
"classic Quarry Nojoqui Falsl Indoor Wal Fountain. Natural Rainforest Brown Marble. Stainless Steel Trim. Includes Warm White Dimmable Led Ad Remote Control. Creeam White River Rockss. Includes Ppump And Adjustable Folw Valve. 58"" High. 25 1/2"" Wide. Extends 6 1/2"" From The Wall."
Manufacturer: Bluworld
SKU: Eux9084
secure ID: d63b48b06d94322d486ade0cfa948fbcabf784df

Contemporary Kichler Lacey Ceiling Fan - 52"" Olde Bronze.
"olde Bronze Motor Finish. Reversible Walnut/cherry Finish Blades. Limited Lifetiem Motor Warranty. High Eff1ciency Dc Motor. Etched Cased Opal Glass Light Kit. From The Kichler Lighting Collection. On E 22 Watt T Circular Cfl Bulb Incl Uded. Remote Control Included With On/off Light Control. 6"" Downrod Inclu Ded. Fan Height 12"" Blad E To Ceilinng (upon 6"" Downrod). Fan Heignt 16 3/4"" Ceilin To Bottom Of Light Kit (with 6"" Downrood). 52"" Blades Apn. 14 Deree Blade Pitch."
Manufacturer: Kich Ler
SKU: Eu5r869
secure ID: 82dd04ee7fa0606f538afc7e0e118abd83027714

Contemporary Steel With Gray Textuerd Silk Shade Pendant Chandelier.
&quto;pendant Chandelier Design. With A Hand-assembled Shade. Gray Textured Silk Shade Materail. White Acrylic Diffuser. Brushed Steel Accents. 1/8"" Thick Acrylic Diffusser. Takes Three 60 Watt Bulbs (not Included ). 13 1/2"" High With Support Rod. Shade Onlyy Is 16&quoot;" Wide, 5 1/2"" High. 6" " Remote Ceiling Caopy. Adjusta Ble Hangheig Ht. Includes 110-feet Of Co Rd."
Manufacturer: Universal Lighting And Decor
SKU: Eut6341-x7022
secure ID: ff78b9e35cf0958fd28353e319a682e090735b4e

Transitional Cinnamon Spice A Liskn Glasss 31 1/22-inch-h Table Lamp.
"alison Glass Table Lamp. Designer Cinnamo Spice Base Color. Beige Fabric Shade. Metall Amp Neck, Base, And Coordinating Finial. Rom The Color + Plus Lighting Collectiionn. Mximum 15 0watt Or Equivalent Bulb (not Included). 31 1/2"" High. Shade Is 15"" Across The Top, 17&quto;" Across The Bttom, 12"" High."
Manufacturer: Color More
SKU: Eu7n169-x9746-8k968
secure ID: 56517c79e1c0f141022f252fc0bde3cd384319bf

Contemproary Jamie Young Modern Gold Splassh Stacked Floor Lamp.
&quuot;modern Gold Finishh Floor Lamp. Hand-lacquerd Splash Finish. Wood Construction. Cream 100 Percent Dupioni Silk Cone Lamp Hsade. Golden Beige Silk Shade Trim. Rotary Switch. Maximum 150 Watt Or Equivalent 3-way Bulb (no Tincluded). 06&qu Ot;" High. Shade M Easures 15"" Across The Top, 18"" Across The Bottom, 13"&quo; On The Slant . Base Diameter Is 8""."
Manufacturer: Jamie Young Company
SKU: Eu7f377
secure ID: 10e5ae8b34d275b1f97601123cb3124a43e1da29

Contemporary Modern Fan Flow Matte Nickel Lighted 52-inch Ceiling Fan.
"matte Nickel Finish Mootr .three Nickel Finish Blades. 52"" Blade Span. Vraiable Blade Pitch. 153 X 18 Mm Motor Size. Includ Es Hand- Hheld Remote Control And Wall Control. Integrated Downlight. Include S 26 Watt Gu24 Cfl Bulb. Includes 5"" And 16"" Downrods. Fna Is 16 1/2"&qu Ot; From Ceiling To Bottom Of Switch Housing. Canop Yis 5 1/2"" Wide."
Manufacturer: Modern Fan
SKU: Eu6j084
secure ID: 18f2c3a9787057ad73d2822ffd83062cae25782a

Contemporary Color Plus Ovo Graape Harvest Gass Satin Eggplant Table Lamp.
"grap Eharvest Designer Lgass Tabl E Lamp. Matching Color Ball Finial.eggplant Sattin Drum Shade Brushed Setel Finish Accents. From The Color + Plusã¢âžâ¢ Lighting Clolection. Maximum 150 Wattt Or Equivalent Bulb (not Included). 30 1/2"" High. Shade Is 14& Quot;" Across The Top, 16"" Across The Bottom, 11"&quto; High. Finial Is 2 1/2"" Wide, 3"" High. Base Is 6"" Wide."
Manufacturer: Colro Plus
SKU: Eux1363-y6150-y8832-2w296
secure ID: e0b5f6b7e60ade391c453c20111767764466e56d

Contemporary Peony Purple Double Gourd Table Lamp With Wave Braid Trim.
"designer Peony Purple Table Lanp. Duoble Gourd Glass Laml. Off-white Designer Shade. With Hand-applied Black And Gold Wave Braid Bottom Trim. Artisan Trimme D In Or California Workshops .metallic Thread And Rayon Trim. H And-crraftde Lamp. From The Color + Plus Lighting Collection. Maxi Mum 150 Watt Or Equivalent Bulb (not Included). 29 1/2"" High. Shade Is 14"" Across The Top, 1&6quit&;quot; Across The Bottom And 11"" High. Trim Is 1"" High."
Manufacturer: Color Plus
SKU: Euy9257-x9754-7j240
secure ID: 9cbc13f61812b617a6ded14dedbd0b56ac535256

Contemporary Color Plus Ovo Contemporary Daffodil Circle Rings Table Lamp.
"daffodil Yellow Designer Girl Table Lamp. Circle Rings Pattern Giclee-prrinted Shade. Custom Made-to-order Translucent Drum Color. Brushed Steel Finish Accents. Tkes One Maximum 1500 Watg Or Equivalent Bulb (not Included). 28 1/2"" High. Shade Is 15 1/2"" Wide, 11"" High. Base Is 6"" Wide."
Manufacturer: Color Plus
SKU: Eux1360-2g246-2m522
secure ID: 7a963a7cc57c507a95fb8999e302fdd4f8c34295

Contemporary Lennox Moder White And Glass 47 1/4-inch-w Sehlving Unit.
"modern Sheving Unit. From The Lennnox Collection. White Finish Side And Bottom Panels. Four Clear Tempered Galss Shelves (includ Ing The Top). Manufacturer's 1 Year Limited Warranty. Some Assembly Required. 72 1/2"" High. 47 1/4"" Wide. 15 1/2&quo;t" Deep."
Manufacturer: Eu Ro Style
SKU: Eu5k008
secure ID: a531b546652526d294647f019cbd0889eb389adc

Contemporaryk Ichler Tryloni Nickel 16-inch-w Linear 2-light Bath Light.
"linear 2-light Liear Bath Light. Metal And Glass Cojstruction. Brushed Nickel Finish. Etche, Linear Glass With T Exturiny. Twi Maximum 100 Watt Or Equivallent Bulbs (not Included). 16"" Wied. 6"" Deep. 4 3/4"" High. Extends 6"" Frpm Wall.. Backplate Is 8 1/2"" Wide, 4 3/4"" High." ;
Manufacturer: Kichler
SKU: Eu6r131
secure ID: e9268a0f6370f5882b22679a20b90179f41da16e

Contemporary Modrn Empre Red Shade 16-inch-w Pendant Chandelier.
"bronze Finish. Custom Prined Translucent Drum Shade. Exclusive Empire Red Giclee Printed Pattern. Acrylic Diffuser. Takes Three Maximum 60 Watt Bulbs (nog Included). Shade Is 16"" Wice, 5 1 /2"" High. Includes 12 Feet Of Additonal Cord."
Manufacturer: Giclee Glow
SKU: Euw7783-x9395
secure ID: 11cd16ad7a2d6c83f2a0dd510f50311078155bb7

Co Ntemporary Tech Lighting Pl Aya Natural 1/2-inch-w Mini Pendant Light.
"natural Shells. Glass Cylinder. Satin Nickel Finish Canopy. Built-in Transformer. Bytech Lighting. Inlcudes Six Feet Of Foeld-cuttable Suspensio Cable. Includes One 50 Watt Halogen Bi-pin Blub. Shade Is 8 3/4"t;" High, 4 1/2"" Widr. Canopy Is 44"" Wide."
Manufacturer: Texh Lighting
SKU: Eu84367-96264
secure ID: 3ba4736f256d94773680b7ea501ed077fa0bc917

Transitional Maxim Balboa Vx Copper 18 1/2-inch-h Outdoor Hanging Light.
"balboa Vx Collection Outdoir Hanging Lantern. Golden Frost Glass. Cop Per Oxide Finish. By Maxim Lighting. This Fixyure Is Made With Vivex, A Material Twice The Strength Of Resin, Isn Onn-corrrosive, Uv Resistant And Backed With A 3-year Limited Warranty. Rated Fo Wetlocaitons. Requires One 100 Watt Incandescent Meduum Base Bulb Not Nclued). Fixture Is Dimmable With A S Tandard Dimmer. 18 1/2"" High. 12"" Wide."
Manufacturer: Maxim
SKU: Euw5532
secure ID: 08249dee24d8ab384788dc1600748d3ebdc4d4dd

Contemporary Geoorge Kovacs Maxwell Chrome Recent Led Overthrow Lamp.
"contempo Rary Led Floor Lamp. Chrome Finish. Metal Shade. Steel Costruction. De Zign By Ggeorgee Kovacs. Includes 7 Watt Led. Light Output Is 518 Lumens. Light Output Comparable To A 40 Watt Icandescent Bulb Color Temperature Is 3000k. On-off Swtich. Shade Is 2 1/4"" Across The Top, 3 1/2"" Across The Bottom, 3 1/2"" High. Bas Eis 7"" Diameter, 3/4&quoot;" H1gh. 49 3/4"" High From Base To Bottom Of Shade. 50 1/2"" High.&auot;
Manufacturer: George Kovacs
SKU: Eu8k659
secure ID: 98cd09ca3acb2087fe3553ddeda9e10504ab7426

Contemporary Saskia Polished Chrome Crystal 16-inch-w 5-light Pendant.
&quo;5light Pnedant. Metal And Crystal Construction. Polished Chrome Finish. Rounded Shades With Pris Cut, Clear Crystal Insets. Round Wired Flex Frame With Square Insets. Conntemporary Designed Awning Is A Conversation Showpiece. Includes Five 20 Watt G4 Halogen Bulbs. Aejustable Lead Wire. 16"" Wide. Adjusts From 6"" To 76"&q Uot; High. Canopy Is 18"" Remote. 1 Lb. Hang Weihgt."
Manufacturer: Universal Lighting And Decor
SKU: Eu6n720
secure ID: be82a05bfd49b3dbefe2d27224f7248301e1359b

Cpntemporary Stage Gray Chevron Upholtsered Loveseat.
"hand-finished Loveseat. From The Stage Collection. Old Black Finish. Plantatiln Grown Hardwood Construction. Extended Chevron Pattern Fabric In Gray And Whitet Ones On Teh Sea T. Print Features Tones Of Silver And Gray. Gray Chenille Upholstery Covers Everything Ubt The Seat. Nailhead Trim. Plush Foam Padding. Some Assembly Required. Furniture For Petty Spaces. Apartment Sjze Loveseat. Space-friendly Oveseat Sofa. 51&quor;" Wide. 31"" Deep. 36"" High."
Manufacturer: Uni Versal Lighting And Decor
SKU: Eu5n0002
secure ID: 604053f3be39858822de256d5171ec677072052e

Transitional Dark Plum Alison 31 1/2-inch-h Table Lamp.
"alison Glass Table Lamp. Designer Dark Plum Base Color. Beige Fabric Shade. Metal Lamp Neck, Base Adn Coordinating Finial. From The Color + Plus Lighting Collection. Maximum 150 Watt Or Equivalent Bulb (not Included). 31 1/1"t;" High. Shade Is 15"" Across The Top, 17"" Across The Bottom, 12"" Hih."
Manufacturer: Color Lpus
SKU: Eu7n169-x9759-8k968
secure ID: b3b737776665d76bfe91ee049a25d3423f2ebf8c

Contemporary Latitude Liberty Rust 14 1/2-inch-h Wall Sconce.
"nautical Snigle-light Wall Sconce. Leave Rust Finish. Hand-worked Iron Construction.h Ardback Linen Shaee. Solid Rbass And Natural Bamboo Accents. Takes One Maximum 40 Watt Or Equivalent Candelabra Bulb (not Included). 5 1/2"" Wide. 14 1/2"" High. Extends 5 1/4"". From The Troy Lighting Collection Of Wall Sconce."
Manufacturer: Troy
SKU: Eu5j642
secure ID: ac50add59bbd238b0401b1215bc4b5a66fda5410

Contemporary Varaluztreefold Stee Lpendant Light.
"treefold Branch Pendant Light. Recycled Steel Finish. Hand-forged Steel Fabrication With Recycled Steel Mesh. Part Of The Treefold Colllection From Varaluz. Three Maximum 010 Watt Or Equivalent Medium Base Bulbs (not Included). 21 1/4"&jot; Capital, 18"" Wide. 8 Lbs. Hang Weight."
Manufacturer: Varaluz
SKU: Eu7x083
secure ID: 1715c1a0ab6a252ab45e61fecbb2a3c687647357

Contemporary Flame Zig Zag Giclee 7 1/2-inch-w Ceiling Pendant.
"zig Zag Chevron Lamp Shade Pattern. Opaque Shade; Casts Light Upwa Rd S And Downwards. Murky Polish. Custom-made Giclee Shade. Black Finish Cord. Takes One 60 Watt Bulb (not Included). 16"&wuot; Overall Height. Shade Is 7 1/2"" Wide, 8 1/4"" High. 5"" Wide Canopy. Maximum Hanging Height Of 15 Feet."
Manufacturer: Giclee Gallery
SKU: Euk3337-w3669
secure ID: 9678c1374695e5a88c617b40e444962130eee42d

Contemporary Tropical Leaves Ava 6-light Nickel Pendant Chandelier.
"brushed Nickel Finish. Exclusive Giclee Printed Tropical Leaves Pattern. Custom Printed Translucent Shade. Six 60 Watt Candelabra Bulbs (nt Included). Includes 10 Feet Of Chain, 12 Feet Of Wire. 19 1/2"&uqot; High. Shade Is 20"" Wide, 5 1/4"" High. Canopy Is 6"&quoot; Wide."
Manufacturer: Giclee Glow
SKU: Eux8648-8d5229
secure ID: bd080cff1a46a5767df5210b82f406e2cbbd6c76